AltWeeklies Wire
Fighting Wind, Stillnew

Roger Whitten, a Palouse resident, is still fighting wind power in his back yard, despite construction plans and an agreement with the region’s largest utility company.
The Inlander |
Heidi Groover |
08-19-2011 |
Tilting at Windmillsnew

Cleveland may win the race to build offshore turbines, but why have others stopped trying?
Cleveland Scene |
Maude L. Campbell |
06-15-2011 |
Business & Labor
Why We Hate the Oil Companiesnew

An interview with former Shell President John Hofmeister, whose new book attempts to re-frame the current polarized views on energy from an "insider" perspective.
Association of Alternative Newsmedia |
Julia Goldberg |
07-27-2010 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: politicians, drilling, global warming, Obama, solar, BP oil spill, wind power, John Hofmeister
Samsung will Brand Ontario as North America’s Wind and Solar Leadernew
Holy Samsung. The green energy dream is not just waking up, it’s moving in. Who knew it would have a brand name and be an immigrant from Korea? Has the provincial government sold our renewable soul to some foreign demon?
NOW Magazine |
Alice Klein |
01-29-2010 |
New England Plays Catch-Up in the Green Energy Racenew
New England may be used to being the birthplace of revolutions, but in the case of wind power, that ship has sailed. States out West are far outproducing us, and will likely continue to. That said, we still could be a player in the nascent wind industry; we've just got some catching up to do.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
08-19-2009 |
Why Wind Power Blowsnew
Those who want to run straight for the first ridgetop and put up a turbine might want to slow down a second. In addition to its distinct advantages, wind power has real drawbacks that must be addressed before it is hailed as our global-warming savior.
Boston Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
08-19-2009 |
Wind Turbines Generate More Debatenew
Though the Albemarle County Planning Commission has been debating the addition of a wind turbine ordinance for about eight months, it seems close to formulating a resolution.
C-Ville Weekly |
Shea Connelly |
01-28-2009 |
Wind Power Makes Great Strides, but Enviros Complainnew

Environmentalists may have spent a generation arguing for the use of wind and solar energy, but if you think they're OK with this, you're dreaming. In California, they're opposing plans for wind-turbine installations in Riverside County east of Los Angeles. And in San Bernardino County they are opposing the power lines that would bring the output of wind and solar installations in the desert to LA.
Boulder Weekly |
Paul Danish |
06-10-2008 |
Vermont is Spinning its Wheels on Wind Energynew
Despite the state's clean-and-green ethic and polls showing that three out of four residents would support it in their own backyards, wind projects have faced stiff regulatory resistance in Vermont.
Seven Days |
Ken Picard |
05-27-2008 |
Why Michigan's 'Green Energy' Bills are a Shamnew
The state's elected leaders have already quietly rammed a package of bills through the House that are deceptively referred to as the "green energy bills." But the bills don't specify any penalty if the utilities miss their targets, as has happened with other "clean energy" mandates. What they clearly do is shift $70 million in annual energy costs from business to homeowners.
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
05-13-2008 |
A Mighty Windnew
The results of Xcel's wind-power program are still in the air. The greatest obstacles to developing wind power are not technical but political, advocates charge.