AltWeeklies Wire

'Henry Poole' is Too Uninspired to be Inspirationalnew

Hollywood doesn't often deal directly with issues of faith and spirituality, mainly because it wants to appeal to as many people as humanly possible. So it's too bad that when a movie like Henry Poole Is Here finally steps up to the pulpit, director Mark Pellington phones it in.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Jeffrey M. Anderson  |  08-15-2008  |  Reviews

David Carr Asks Himself the Toughest Questions in 'The Night of The Gun'new

Before it delivers the inevitable jolt of redemption, The Night of The Gun is a maddening book, dangerous in large doses to anyone who has ever romanticized the outlaw appeal of the addict, frequently absurd and offensive to those drunks and dope fiends who have somehow managed to ask for help and get on with their lives.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Steve Friedman  |  08-15-2008  |  Nonfiction

Stoner Comedy 'Pineapple Express' is Kind of a Bummernew

Seth Rogen and James Franco aim for Belushi and Aykroyd, but achieve only Emilio Estevez and Richard Dreyfuss.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Mike D'Angelo  |  08-07-2008  |  Reviews

The Sweet Emotional Pull of 'Sisterhood' is Hard to Resistnew

The pants don't make much of a showing in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2, but no matter. They're nothing more than a gimmick to draw us into the lives of our four well-drawn characters, and despite my misgivings I was gleefully, guiltily glad to see them all again.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Jeffrey M. Anderson  |  08-07-2008  |  Reviews

What We Demand from Our Movie Heroes Says as Much About Us as Themnew

As the villains move closer toward the state of amoral blank slates -- less monsters and more unknowable black holes of pure negativity -- they have opened the ground for heroes to step more squarely into the chasm the bad guys have left behind. That shift is why, of late, the heroes actually have the better roles; why, fittingly, Batman remains a more compelling character than the starkly one-dimensional Joker.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  T.R. Witcher  |  08-01-2008  |  Movies

Jay Louis Talks About 'Hot Chicks With Douchebags'new

Giving new meaning to the phrase "Are you in the book?" first-time author Jay Louis' debut attempts to plant a righteous finger into a dam bursting with sightings of, well, hot chicks with douchebags, that is, men Louis would consider unworthy with the women they are unworthy of.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Xania Woodman  |  08-01-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Double-Mocha Nonfat Soy Sadness: Vegas Says Goodbye to Some Starbucks Branchesnew

Upon hearing the death knell for five of my favorite local Starbucks, I set out to enjoy them all one last time before they close on July 27, and to chronicle them here, so that they're etched in history.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Stacy Willis  |  07-25-2008  |  Food+Drink

A New Crop of Game Shows Take On-Air Debasement to a New Lownew

Watching a real Japanese game show conjures up mixed feelings of glee at the rampant creativity and sadness for the desperate contestants who'll do anything for money or attention. Watching shows like Wipeout and Hurl! is merely depressing, a reminder that when faced with a choice between originality and exploitation, American reality-TV producers will almost invariably choose the latter.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Josh Bell  |  07-25-2008  |  TV

'Step Brothers' Finds Will Ferrell Regressing and Repeating Himselfnew

The problem is not that Ferrell has ceased to be funny, although his shtick is clearly wearing thin; the problem is that he and collaborator Adam McKay, with whom he worked on Anchorman and Talladega Nights, have abandoned all goals other than to "be funny" in the most desperate, overblown and ultimately grating manner.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Josh Bell  |  07-25-2008  |  Reviews

The Question Isn't 'Why Make Another X-Files Movie,' but Rather, 'Why Not'?new

The thrill is gone, but we shouldn't discount the place for epilogues and endings in pop culture. Now a couple, Mulder and Scully discuss and banter some more (and it's a lot more interesting than conversations about the mortgage or taking out the garbage), and they get to ride off into the sunset.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Jeffrey M. Anderson  |  07-25-2008  |  Reviews

iPod DJs, Party Models, and Other People, Things and Ideas Whose Time is Upnew

The over it issue: Our sampling of people, things, ideas and trends that have passed their freshness date.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Staff  |  07-25-2008  |  Culture

Should Nevada's Ex-Felons Vote?new

In 2003, the state approved a provision to automatically restore voting rights for first-time, nonviolent felons immediately after completion of their sentence. However, the compromise state legislators forged to get the bill passed left a muddled mess with different stipulations depending on when the conviction occurred and the type of felony. Even the most eager to cast their vote this year can easily be deterred by the bureaucratic swamp they must wade through first.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Tovin Lapan  |  07-11-2008  |  Politics

The Ten Best Burgers in Las Vegasnew

When it comes to burgers, everyone, it seems, has their preference, from how they like their meat cooked to the almost infinite number of permutations with regard to toppings. Here are 10 of my favorite burgers in the city, most of them less than $10, except for the sliders and the super deluxe Kobe burger at N9Ne.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Max Jacobson  |  07-11-2008  |  Food+Drink

The Something Store Restores Suspense to the Webnew

While we may enjoy the detailed Mapquest directions, the thorough reviews, the "most e-mailed" New York Times articles, we still yearn for mystery, too. Or at least the idea of mystery. And that's why the Something Store exists. For $10, shipping included, this online enterprise will send you something in a plain brown package with a large question mark on it.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Greg Beato  |  07-07-2008  |  Tech

What's Being Done, or Left Undone, When Soldiers Come Home with Problems?new

Hundreds of local soldiers are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, many of them on extended tours and second or third deployments. The longer the wars continue, the higher the probability of more cases like Matthew Sepi's.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Damon Hodge  |  07-07-2008  |  War

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