AltWeeklies Wire
Drip City: Everything Old is New Again in Portland's Coffee Scenenew

The history of coffee in Portland is one of constant, obsessive refinement, of obtaining better beans and pulling better shots. Staying on the jittery edge of the culture requires constant attention. Which is what we've been doing over the past several weeks. And what have we found?
Willamette Week |
Ben Waterhouse, Ruth Brown |
04-06-2011 |
Is Your Coffee In Season?new
You care when your beans were roasted. How about when they were harvested?
Washington City Paper |
Tim Carman |
04-15-2010 |
Tags: Coffee
Is Houston About to Become America's Coffee Capital?new

While Seattle may be the center of American coffee culture, it's Houston that's becoming the center of coffee commerce. William Dunaway, a Honduran coffee exporter who relocated to Houston to set up a micro-roasting operation here, is convinced Houston will soon dominate the U.S. coffee business.
Houston Press |
Robb Walsh |
11-17-2009 |
Seattle's New Way to Fetishize Coffeenew

As a marketing strategy, "cupping" is straight from the wine-industry playbook. As a means of enjoying coffee, it's mostly hot air.
Seattle Weekly |
Jonathan Kauffman |
12-22-2008 |
Alt.Health: Coffee Crazynew
Coffee is mostly a body boon, but don't down the whole pot.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
10-17-2008 |
Zales Smells Sweet Success in Expanding Dunkin' Donutsnew

Last year, Dunkin' Donuts embarked on an ambitious westward expansion, with plans to open about 9,000 new stores nationwide by 2016, at a time when Starbucks is scaling back and retailers everywhere are looking for ways to pinch pennies as the economy continues to dive toward recession or worse.
Dallas Observer |
Jesse Hyde |
10-06-2008 |
I Can't Quit You, Coffeenew
You're my last true vice. And your grip on me is truly vise-like. This column may be read as a cry for help.
San Diego CityBeat |
D.A. Kolodenko |
07-30-2008 |
Double-Mocha Nonfat Soy Sadness: Vegas Says Goodbye to Some Starbucks Branchesnew

Upon hearing the death knell for five of my favorite local Starbucks, I set out to enjoy them all one last time before they close on July 27, and to chronicle them here, so that they're etched in history.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Stacy Willis |
07-25-2008 |
Portland Spends Another $119,000 to Train Baristasnew
On July 9, the City Council voted unanimously to renew a $119,000 program that seeks to make service-with-a-smile espresso jockeys out of a couple dozen "at-risk youth"--bureau-speak for troubled and/or troublemaking teens.
Willamette Week |
Corey Pein |
07-16-2008 |
Tadesse Meskela is No Ordinary Joe ... Nor is His Coffeenew

The Ethiopian coffee co-op founder aims for hearts and mugs of those who like a little justice with their java.
NOW Magazine |
Wayne Roberts |
09-21-2007 |
Popeye’s New Can Isn’t Spinach: Energy Drinks
The only drawback this caffeine-addicted health advice columnist sees to his daily pot of espresso is having to erase all the exclamation points after every first draft.
Boise Weekly |
Dr. Ed Rabin |
10-20-2005 |
Music Stores Mad at Starbucksnew
Starbucks has a six-week exclusive right to carry an acoustic version of Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill. The deal has angered members of the Coalition of Independent Music Stores.
The Village Voice |
Andy Gensler |
06-01-2005 |
Better Coffee Through Chemistry?
Yesterday's self-heating beverage of the future is here...20 years too late.
Columbus Alive |
Brian Lindamood |
05-05-2005 |
Anti-Corporate Activists Draw Attention to Coffee Politicsnew

Coffee and the international trade that governs it affect the fate of migrant farmers, the survival of the rain-forest, and the livelihoods of independent roastmasters. In response to these concerns, a global movement to promote Fair Trade Certified coffees has emerged.
Mountain Xpress |
Stuart Gaines |
06-08-2004 |