AltWeeklies Wire

Cartoon: Why They Fightnew

The lawn around the Vietnam Vets memorial in DC is in terrible shape. Finally, a way to give meaning to the deaths of soldiers in Afghanistan.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  09-21-2009  |  Cartoons

Why Can't Obama See He's the New Robert McNamara?

Like McNamara, Obama doesn't understand a basic truth: you can't successfully manage an inherently doomed premise. Colonialism is dead. Occupiers will never enjoy peace. Neither the Afghans nor the Iraqis nor the Pakistanis will rest until we withdraw our forces.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  07-08-2009  |  War

Vets with PTSD Tackle the Scars You Can't Seenew

New cases of PTSD are flooding the VA system. Some veterans of earlier wars know what those Iraq and Afghanistan vets are in for.
OC Weekly  |  Nick Schou  |  11-11-2008  |  War

Jazz Violinist Billy Bang Revisits Vietnam in Music for Veterans Daynew

"When I was writing that music, I remember actually crying again and seeing the nightmares I'd been trying to get away from."
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Mike Shanley  |  11-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The International Competition in Vermontnew

It's Vietnamese spiking volleyballs at Roosevelt Park, Bosnians rolling bocce balls at Oakledge Park, and Somalis, Sudanese and Congolese heading soccer balls at Starr Farm Park, Leddy Beach and practice fields at the University of Vermont.
Seven Days  |  Kevin J. Kelley, Matt Scanlon and Mike DiBiasio  |  08-08-2008  |  Sports

Students Connect with Those Touched by the Horrors of Warnew

UCSB Students who sign up for RS-155 find that it’s neither a history class nor a religion class, but an emotional journey through the psyche and experiences of real live veterans.
Santa Barbara Independent  |  Ben Preston  |  07-08-2008  |  War

David Milne Dissects the Life of Walt Rostow, Who Never Examined His Role in Terrible Violencenew

Walt Rostow's advice as LBJ's chief advisor led to aggressive military action Vietnam, culminating in massive bombings that left the taint of death and failure on LBJ's presidency.
The Texas Observer  |  Thomas Palaima  |  06-11-2008  |  Nonfiction

War Zones, Shipwrecks and Romance Caught on Cassettenew

What follows are excerpts from three tales, discovered on discarded cassette tapes. Three men, at different stages in their lives, reflect on relationships -- with their parents, with strangers in a strange land and even with a buzzing 1920s city named Detroit.
Metro Times  |  Rebecca Mazzei  |  04-22-2008  |  Culture

The Coming Debate Over Iraq (and Vietnam)new

Can Barack Obama convince Americans that losing the war is OK?
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  03-03-2008  |  Commentary

Obama's Iraq Gapnew

Dems rush rhetoric about ending the war, but the bleeding continues.
NOW Magazine  |  Tom Hayden  |  01-18-2008  |  Commentary

The Talking Woundednew

Vietnam survivors offer some friendly, if heavy, advice to today's soldiers.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  J. Adrian Stanley  |  11-20-2007  |  War

The Anti-Drummer Drummernew

VietNam's Michael Foss on the band's "off the norm" ways.
Houston Press  |  Olivia Flores Alvarez  |  02-13-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Battle Crynew

From 'Nam to Iraq, two generations of vets find their common ground.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  02-06-2007  |  War

All Gave Somenew

Sir! No Sir! recounts the GIs who refused to ride the killing machine.
East Bay Express  |  Bill Gallo  |  04-10-2006  |  Reviews

Pale Ridernew

Not only have the counterinsurgency techniques from Vietnam been reborn in the Middle East, they are being globalized.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  03-31-2006  |  Commentary

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