AltWeeklies Wire
From Industry Turmoil, Great Films Arosenew
And so another year comes to an end, and with it a decade (Gregorian contrarians notwithstanding) in which the answer to the question “What is cinema?” underwent more radical transmutations than in any comparable period since the dawn of moving images.
L.A. Weekly |
Scott Foundas |
01-04-2010 |
Movie Buzz: 2008 Year in Review
2008: Year of the Superhero? With no major movie releases on January 2, this week's Movie Buzz reflects on the truly buzz-worthy flicks of 2008.
Metro Spirit |
Mariah Gardner |
12-29-2008 |
Why So Serious?: A Holiday Movie Previewnew
This year tragedy for tragedy's sake is on the front burner. It's nothing new, releasing dead-serious pictures at the dead of Christmas.
Chicago Newcity |
Ray Pride |
12-17-2008 |
A Checklist of the Cinema Season's Hits and Missesnew
The summer movie wrap up. Film critic Matt Brunson's picks for best and worst cameo, best performance and more.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte) |
Matt Brunson |
09-11-2008 |
Tags: Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight
What We Demand from Our Movie Heroes Says as Much About Us as Themnew

As the villains move closer toward the state of amoral blank slates -- less monsters and more unknowable black holes of pure negativity -- they have opened the ground for heroes to step more squarely into the chasm the bad guys have left behind. That shift is why, of late, the heroes actually have the better roles; why, fittingly, Batman remains a more compelling character than the starkly one-dimensional Joker.
Las Vegas Weekly |
T.R. Witcher |
08-01-2008 |
'The Dark Knight' is the Best Batman Evernew
In a summer jam-packed with superheroes, Batman has made a couple of smart moves. He's waited until everybody else -- Ironman, The Hulk, Hancock, Hellboy -- exhausted themselves, letting anticipation build. And he's kept things serious, refusing to stoop to comic-book hijinks.
Tags: Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight
'The Dark Knight': Batman for the 21st Centurynew
It's not just about good and evil anymore -- it's about order and chaos.
Chicago Reader |
J.R. Jones |
07-21-2008 |
Tags: Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight
The New Batman Film is Deeper, Darker, More Action-packednew
We learn that Batman's dual existence is taking a toll on him, both physically and spiritually ... and the latter is the more dangerous.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Andy Klein |
07-18-2008 |
Life Ain't Pretty in Gotham Citynew
Although the visuals soar and Heath Ledger's Joker is magnificent, this new Batman movie is grim and chilly, as if made for our new age of anxiety.
Austin Chronicle |
Marc Savlov |
07-18-2008 |
Tags: Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight
A Hero With Issuesnew
Its look, intelligence and consistency help The Dark Knight become the best Batman film.
Tucson Weekly |
James DiGiovanna |
07-18-2008 |
Tags: Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight
Heath Ledger Cements His Legend Playing Nemesis to Christian Bale's Gotham City Heronew

What a brooding pleasure it is to return to Nolan's Gotham City -- if pleasure is the right word for a movie that gazes so deeply and sometimes despairingly into the souls of restless men.
L.A. Weekly |
Scott Foundas |
07-18-2008 |
As 'The Dark Knight' Approaches, Some Clues on the Origins of the Jokernew

Me, I always figured that the Joker came from New Orleans.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Richard von Busack |
07-17-2008 |
The Batman Legacy Shines in Its Latest Installmentnew
Nolan's second installment, the thrilling morality tale The Dark Knight, puts its priorities completely in order.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Curt Holman |
07-16-2008 |
Heath Ledger's Joker is No Jokenew
Aside from Ledger, The Dark Knight's other huge star is the IMAX screen on which it should be seen.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
07-16-2008 |
Holy Bummer, Batmannew

Why so serious? Maybe because Heath Ledger's dead.
Willamette Week |
Aaron Mesh |
07-16-2008 |