AltWeeklies Wire
American Comics and the Jews that Love Themnew
The most powerful aspect of Jews and American Comics is not Paul Buhle's writing, but rather his selection of work from some of the medium’s most notable creators, which often paints a more complete cross-section of the subject matter than his sometimes-rushed text.
New York Press |
Brian Heater |
08-25-2008 |
Heath Ledger Cements His Legend Playing Nemesis to Christian Bale's Gotham City Heronew

What a brooding pleasure it is to return to Nolan's Gotham City -- if pleasure is the right word for a movie that gazes so deeply and sometimes despairingly into the souls of restless men.
L.A. Weekly |
Scott Foundas |
07-18-2008 |
Heath Ledger's Joker is No Jokenew
Aside from Ledger, The Dark Knight's other huge star is the IMAX screen on which it should be seen.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
07-16-2008 |
Holy Bummer, Batmannew

Why so serious? Maybe because Heath Ledger's dead.
Willamette Week |
Aaron Mesh |
07-16-2008 |
'Hancock', America's Low-rent Superhero, Just in Time for the Recessionnew
Even bearing in mind the conventional wisdom that superman movies keep coming back to cheer us through hard times, I'm not clear whether Hancock is meant to be a representative of the homeless, a midcareer-burnout case or a troubled brother from another planet.
L.A. Weekly |
Ella Taylor |
07-07-2008 |
Will Smith's 'Hancock' Brazenly Embraces the Post-racial Strategy of the Obama Campaignnew

Movie star Will Smith is also a political figure. His big screen exploits reflect the way we think about race, masculinity, humor, violence and fantasy.
New York Press |
Armond White |
07-03-2008 |
Rectum? Will Smith Damn Near Killed 'Emnew

I had hoped that Hancock would be a departure, that it might restore some of Smith's Fresh Prince swagger, but instead it's the most explicit demonstration yet of the wallowing that has drained a superstar of his powers.
Willamette Week |
Aaron Mesh |
07-02-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
'Hancock' Dive Bombs
Hancock attempts a high degree of difficulty, but hits the pool flat.
Salt Lake City Weekly |
Scott Renshaw |
06-27-2008 |
Jon Favreau's 'Iron Man' Has a Heartnew

Rather than cutting directly to the chase, it takes its time to involve us in the characters, who are relatively three-dimensional as comic book movies go, and who are played by the kinds of actors who know how to make a lot out of not very much.
L.A. Weekly |
Scott Foundas |
05-02-2008 |