AltWeeklies Wire
Solo Mission to the South Polenew

Todd Carmichael races against time, frostbite and insanity to become the first American to slog 700 miles to the South Pole -- alone.
The Inlander |
Jacob H. Fries |
02-12-2009 |
The Long Walk: From Milwaukee to Chicago on Two Feetnew
I've bicycled from Chicago to Milwaukee a dozen or so times, including several trips during the dead of winter on the annual Frozen Snot Century ride. But lately I've been getting interested in walking as a form of travel that helps me take in more of my surroundings by slowing me down.
Chicago Newcity |
John Greenfield |
08-20-2008 |
If Only 'Tropic Thunder' Were as Naughty as the P.C. Protesters Complainnew
Tropic Thunder arrives in theaters hyped, virally marketed and decreed by no less an authority than The New York Times as the naughtiest little studio release of the summer-movie season.
L.A. Weekly |
Scott Foundas |
08-18-2008 |
Brendan Fraser Meets Another Mummy ... and Some Yetisnew
Based on The Mummy franchise alone, it would be real easy to hate Brendan Fraser ... but, damn if the dude isn't totally harmless and likeable.
The Portland Mercury |
Courtney Ferguson |
07-31-2008 |
Heath Ledger Cements His Legend Playing Nemesis to Christian Bale's Gotham City Heronew

What a brooding pleasure it is to return to Nolan's Gotham City -- if pleasure is the right word for a movie that gazes so deeply and sometimes despairingly into the souls of restless men.
L.A. Weekly |
Scott Foundas |
07-18-2008 |
Heath Ledger's Joker is No Jokenew
Aside from Ledger, The Dark Knight's other huge star is the IMAX screen on which it should be seen.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
07-16-2008 |
Holy Bummer, Batmannew

Why so serious? Maybe because Heath Ledger's dead.
Willamette Week |
Aaron Mesh |
07-16-2008 |
Guillermo del Toro Goes to Hell and Backnew
The point is fun: In any other movie, it'd be a sign that things had gone seriously awry if a red demon and a blue talking fish got together, drank too much Tecate, and started slurring out a drunken duet, but in Hellboy II: The Golden Army, it kind of makes sense.
The Portland Mercury |
Erik Henriksen |
07-10-2008 |
Guillermo Del Toro's 'Hellboy II' is All About Rock-hard, Right-handed Self-pleasurenew

The movie is lax on personal expression, simply a spook-the-kids, psyche-the-hipsters carnival.
New York Press |
Armond White |
07-10-2008 |
'Hancock', America's Low-rent Superhero, Just in Time for the Recessionnew
Even bearing in mind the conventional wisdom that superman movies keep coming back to cheer us through hard times, I'm not clear whether Hancock is meant to be a representative of the homeless, a midcareer-burnout case or a troubled brother from another planet.
L.A. Weekly |
Ella Taylor |
07-07-2008 |
Will Smith's 'Hancock' Brazenly Embraces the Post-racial Strategy of the Obama Campaignnew

Movie star Will Smith is also a political figure. His big screen exploits reflect the way we think about race, masculinity, humor, violence and fantasy.
New York Press |
Armond White |
07-03-2008 |
Rectum? Will Smith Damn Near Killed 'Emnew

I had hoped that Hancock would be a departure, that it might restore some of Smith's Fresh Prince swagger, but instead it's the most explicit demonstration yet of the wallowing that has drained a superstar of his powers.
Willamette Week |
Aaron Mesh |
07-02-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
'Hancock' Dive Bombs
Hancock attempts a high degree of difficulty, but hits the pool flat.
Salt Lake City Weekly |
Scott Renshaw |
06-27-2008 |
Uwe Boll Goes 'Postal'new
Notorious German director spars with his critics, makes an intentional comedy.
L.A. Weekly |
Luke Y. Thompson |
05-27-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Indiana Jones Wants You Damn Kids to Get off His Lawn!new
Harrison Ford is, once again, funny and tough and cool, able to crack a bullwhip and punch out a stooge with the best of 'em. But the film doesn't feel the same. There's CG and sci-fi.
The Portland Mercury |
Erik Henriksen |
05-23-2008 |