AltWeeklies Wire
Run-on Sentencenew

An unforgiving and broken system is forcing sex offenders further to the fringes of society—and that’s dangerous for all of us.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Samantha Melamed |
08-24-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Overcrowding at Illinois Prisons is Costly and Dangerousnew

In Sangamon County, at least 13 inmates were released early, many serving just a fraction of their sentences. One repeat drunk driver served only a month of his year-long sentence; another inmate serving time for possession of cocaine spent only two weeks behind bars.
Illinois Times |
Patrick Yeagle |
03-04-2010 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: early release, violence, prison, politics, Drugs, justice, crime, money, rehabilitation, inmate, corrections
Using Soccer to Help Juvenile Offenders in Santa Cruz Countynew

For the last four years, Gina Castaneda has been a deputy probation officer for Santa Cruz County, working with juvenile offenders who live in the Watsonville area. Her soccer team is made up of a small handful of the 400 youths currently on, or at least in contact with, county probation, some of them from rival gangs.
Good Times Santa Cruz |
Jessica Lussenhop |
11-11-2009 |
Crime & Justice
In California, Advocates Push for Reform of Parole Process to Ease Prison Strainnew

California's Board of Parole Hearings grants parole to less than one percent of eligible lifers. Now, as the state's prison system is packed to 200 percent capacity, some are arguing for reform to the parole system that's keeping lifers doing life.
Good Times Santa Cruz |
Curtis Cartier |
08-20-2009 |
Crime & Justice
John Forte: From Jailhouse to Jazzhousenew
Ex-Fugees producer Forte keeps a low profile these days. Since his release from prison last December, after serving seven years of a fourteen-year drug sentence, Forte has started treating home as his sanctuary.
East Bay Express |
Rachel Swan |
08-05-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Should Nevada's Ex-Felons Vote?new

In 2003, the state approved a provision to automatically restore voting rights for first-time, nonviolent felons immediately after completion of their sentence. However, the compromise state legislators forged to get the bill passed left a muddled mess with different stipulations depending on when the conviction occurred and the type of felony. Even the most eager to cast their vote this year can easily be deterred by the bureaucratic swamp they must wade through first.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Tovin Lapan |
07-11-2008 |
'A Bend in the River' Looks at a Nashville Prison Rehab Programnew
While it's neither a wallow in sensational cellblock horrors nor a Scared Straight-style sock in the gut, A Bend in the River offers quiet, solemn and persuasive evidence that prison is the last place on earth anyone wants to end up.
Nashville Scene |
Jim Ridley |
06-27-2008 |
Reality Bitesnew

When a young chef tries to save teen lives through food, his students prove his toughest critics.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tim McGinnis |
05-05-2008 |
Meth is an Expensive Habit for Montananew
The State Senate pledges $2 million to Montana Meth Project.
Missoula Independent |
Jessie McQuillan |
04-19-2007 |