AltWeeklies Wire
National Security Agency Expert James Bamford Talks Secrets and Liesnew

The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America presents an account of the drastic and ominous shift in the agency's mission and tactics over the past seven years.
Baltimore City Paper |
Lee Gardner |
11-14-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Russ Feingold on Where He's Agreed with McCain ... and Disagreed with Obamanew
Feingold talked with WW about his disagreements with Obama over FISA, which granted immunity to telecoms participating in Bush's eavesdropping program. He also talked about how being forever associated with McCain as a result of their pioneering campaign finance reform law is nothing like having the name of an ex-girlfriend tattooed on your biceps.
Willamette Week |
Beth Slovic |
10-08-2008 |
Valerie Plame Wilson Discusses Her Memoir, FISA and Her Move to New Mexiconew

Valerie Plame Wilson's identity is no longer a secret. Five years and two lawsuits later, neither is her story. In her October 2007 memoir, Fair Game: How a Top CIA Agent Was Betrayed by Her Own Government, former agent Wilson chronicles how her life shifted from serving her country to suing her country.
Weekly Alibi |
Aeriel Emig |
07-29-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Rep. Charlie Gonzalez Explains His FISA Misgivingsnew
The Texas Representative stuck to his promise to oppose the FISA reform legislation that the House passed last week if it contained a retroactive immunity provision to protect the telecoms suspected of aiding the Bush Administration in its illegal post-9/11 warrantless wiretapping program.
San Antonio Current |
Elaine Wolff |
07-02-2008 |
Political Parties Need to be Tossed Onto the Scrap Heap of Democracy's Failuresnew
There are already factions within the two major parties struggling for influence. We'd surely like to see more cross-pollination among them on various policy issues based not on what they think is in the long-term interest of their factions, but on what they think is in the long-term interest of the majority of the public -- or, what was once known as the middle class.
San Diego CityBeat |
Editorial |
06-26-2008 |
Inside the Murky Legal World of Cyber-Snoopingnew
Law enforcement agencies have a number of legal tools at their disposal, recently broadened with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act amendment bill that lets telecoms off the hook. They have made so many requests of Comcast, in fact, that last year the company decided to distribute a document called Comcast Cable Law Enforcement Handbook, which details how the fuzz can get your stuff.
Charleston City Paper |
Joshua Curry |
06-25-2008 |
Professor Defends Domestic Government Spyingnew
"We ought to be more concerned if Bin Laden is calling someone in Peoria than if he's calling someone in Pakistan," Robert Turner says, arguing for an expansion of FISA.
C-Ville Weekly |
Jayson Whitehead |
02-27-2008 |
Civil Liberties
The Real FISA Problemnew
The entire premise of secret electronic surveillance seems shaky, judge or no.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Editorial |
02-20-2008 |
Tags: domestic spying, FISA
Citizens vs. Spiesnew
San Francisco is at the center of a national debate over government and corporate surveillance of U.S. residents.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Michael Leonard |
02-20-2008 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: civil liberties, FISA
AT&T is in Da Housenew
Congressman Charlie Gonzalez opposes immunity for the spook-friendly telecom, but isn't so hot on a new Net Neutrality bill.
San Antonio Current |
James Shannon |
02-20-2008 |