AltWeeklies Wire
Is Net Neutrality Doomed to Failure?new

The debate over net neutrality hasn't gotten much smarter since 2006, when Ted Stevens, of Alaska, opposed the Net Neutrality Act by infamously declaring that the Internet was "a series of tubes" -- but it has intensified along predictable partisan fault lines.
Boston Phoenix |
Carly Carioli |
04-11-2011 |
Tim Wu, Historian of Information Empiresnew
To say that Tim Wu has written a history of the information age is sort of like saying that Howard Zinn wrote a history of the United States. Wu is a young scholar but the first line of his obituary is already written: a few years back he coined the term "Net neutrality," then got the FCC to embrace
Boston Phoenix |
Carly Carioli |
02-08-2011 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Net Neutrality Vote Will Bring One Net to Rule Them Allnew
On December 21, the FCC will take a long-awaited and historic vote determining whether President Obama’s promise to preserve the Internet as the most democratic medium in communication history will be honored.
San Antonio Current |
TechTease |
12-09-2010 |
Amherst liberates as Comcast conquersnew
I pulled out my iPod Touch to see if there were any available WiFi links from the restaurant or neighboring businesses, only to find—lo and behold—that the town of Amherst was offering me up a connection for nothing. Being a member of the public with a device capable of getting my Internet connection wirelessly was enough.
Valley Advocate |
Mark Roessler |
12-22-2009 |
The Other Issues (The Ones That Aren't Being Talked About)new
There must be other ways the election is going to matter that don't get talked about on the Sunday morning talk shows. Here's a list of Things You Haven't Realized the Election is Going to Affect.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Staff |
10-30-2008 |
Net Neutrality: World War Webnew
The era of an open, egalitarian and transparent internet could soon come to a screeching halt in America -- unless we fight back.
Sacramento News & Review |
Melinda Welsh |
04-21-2008 |
Comcast Can't Buy Lovenew
The FCC is holding a second public hearing on network neutrality at Stanford as it investigates Comcast's custom of choking or blocking certain content over its network. Comcast says it's all in the name of smart business, but opponents say the company's trying to cripple competitors.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
04-01-2008 |
AT&T is in Da Housenew
Congressman Charlie Gonzalez opposes immunity for the spook-friendly telecom, but isn't so hot on a new Net Neutrality bill.
San Antonio Current |
James Shannon |
02-20-2008 |
Comcast: The Internet Jammernew

The cable giant and BitTorrent are at the forefront of the war over equal access to the internet.
Technobarons of the 21st Centurynew

Telephone and cable companies are trying to create a vertical monopoly, which could
destroy the free market, along with everything else we love about the Internet.
INDY Week |
Fiona Morgan |
05-17-2006 |
Business & Labor
A Lesser Webnew
Congress is listening to corporations who want to make the Internet an uneven playing field.
San Antonio Current |
Aaron Delwiche |
05-03-2006 |
Tags: net neutrality, netneutral