AltWeeklies Wire

Why Hasn't Obama Abrogated Bush's Controversial Executive Orders?

Simply put, no one man -- not even a nice, articulate, charismatic one -- ought to claim the right to suspend a person's constitutional rights. Not in America. Certainly no one man -- not even a young, handsome, likeable one -- should be able to have anyone he wants whacked.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  10-27-2009  |  War

Karl Rove Sleight of Handnew

In a recent speech, the architect of two Bush election victories uses fear and misdirection to duck responsibility for the mess we're in.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Joe Piasecki  |  02-13-2009  |  Politics

John Yoo, War Criminal?new

The chances that the notorious UC Berkeley law professor will be investigated for war crimes appear to have increased in recent weeks.
East Bay Express  |  Robert Gammon  |  01-28-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Profiles In Caution: Half of Oregon's Democratic Lawmakers Bravely Have No Commentnew

After years complaining that the Bush administration instituted torture, lied its way into a war that killed more than 4,000 Americans, and generally treated the Constitution like toilet paper in a Taco Bell bathroom, senior Democrats now show little stomach to pursue criminal charges.
Willamette Week  |  James Pitkin  |  01-21-2009  |  Civil Liberties

Another DEA 'No' for Medical Marijuananew

As the Bush administration sputters to its end, the DEA has taken a parting shot against science.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  01-16-2009  |  Drugs

George W. Bush's Departure is the End of an Eranew

In the minds of most people -- a majority of Americans, and the overwhelming majority of people elsewhere -- we are saying good riddance to a long period when brutal and ignorant policies reigned supreme. We are saying goodbye to George W. Bush, and Muntadhar al-Zaidi said it most eloquently.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  01-05-2009  |  Commentary

20 Reasons the Earth Will Be Glad To See Bush Gonew

As our 43rd president scrambles to screw further with Mother Nature, we consider the ways our planet will be better off under Obama.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  12-18-2008  |  Environment

Documents on Operation Front Line Show Innocent Muslims Got Caught in Bush's Dragnetnew

Operation Front Line's stated goal was to disrupt terrorist cells that might be planning an attack during the campaign or on inauguration day. But government documents recently obtained by a team of Yale Law School students and faculty expose the program as a massive fishing expedition that hinged on racial profiling.
New Haven Advocate  |  Andy Bromage  |  11-25-2008  |  Immigration

The Strange Tradition of Washington's Political Turnovernew

Presidential transitions are odd times any time there's a change of parties in power, but after the last eight years, this one may be even more so.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Brian Morton  |  11-25-2008  |  Commentary

Many Park Service Officials Say the Bush Administration Devastated Their Agencynew

The Bush administration has weakened air-quality standards in federal preserves, and has overseen a diminishing science program. But even more insidiously, the administration has employed a political screening process for civil-service managers, attempted to outsource many positions, and maneuvered to fundamentally reconstruct management policies.
Tucson Weekly  |  Tim Vanderpool  |  11-20-2008  |  Environment

Why Reward GM? Here's Why

Lee Iacocca isn't running GM, Ford or Chrysler, and the most inept administration in history has made conditions far more daunting, but the stakes are far greater. We should take a deep breath and help the bums.
Arkansas Times  |  Ernest Dumas  |  11-20-2008  |  Economy

Enviros Brace for Bush's Last Actsnew

The Bush administration is pushing a number of rule changes to take effect before Inauguration Day: easing restrictions on power plants, allowing factory farms to skirt the Clean Water Act and weakening toxic emissions standards for oil refineries, among other things.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Laura Paskus  |  11-20-2008  |  Environment

Will Bush's Exit Bring Peace Between the U.S. and Iran?new

Improvement is a reasonable expectation. Short of all-out war, relations with Iran can't get much worse. But don't expect Obama and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to be sharing kabobs and O'Doul's at the White House anytime soon.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  11-20-2008  |  Commentary

National Security Agency Expert James Bamford Talks Secrets and Liesnew

The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America presents an account of the drastic and ominous shift in the agency's mission and tactics over the past seven years.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Lee Gardner  |  11-14-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

The New Socialism and the End of a Free Market Mythnew

This is perhaps the final crisis, in a line of crises, of the Bush/Cheney administration, which at best, has been a sour lesson to us all in "failed crisis management." The root of all of this stupidity is their fundamentalist belief that less government is better government.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  10-31-2008  |  Commentary

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