AltWeeklies Wire

George W. Bush's Departure is the End of an Eranew

In the minds of most people -- a majority of Americans, and the overwhelming majority of people elsewhere -- we are saying good riddance to a long period when brutal and ignorant policies reigned supreme. We are saying goodbye to George W. Bush, and Muntadhar al-Zaidi said it most eloquently.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  01-05-2009  |  Commentary

What's Your Year-End List?new

I've written two year-end lists: the Top Five Best-Named World Leaders of 2008, and the Five People Who Also Should Have Had Shoes Thrown at Them in 2008.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  12-24-2008  |  Commentary

We Should Thank the Shoe Thrower for Setting the Tone for the Bush Post-Presidencynew

I suspect the Secret Service has a difficult task ahead of itself, one way or the other, as our immediate past president hits the road determined to make some real bucks. For wherever he goes on the post-presidential speaking-tour circuit, George W. Bush will have to duck for his supper as well as sing for it.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Kenneth Neill  |  12-19-2008  |  Commentary

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