AltWeeklies Wire
Small Is The New Big: Will Americans Have to be Shoehorned into Their Cars?new
As the world gets figuratively smaller, so too are cars getting smaller. Literally. And I don't imagine the average American (read: large) is going to like it.
Cash for Clunkers: Ugh!new

While the know-it-alls in Washington try to satisfy the taxpayers by giving them back some of their hard-earned cash, they didn't really think this whole thing through very well.
Artvoice |
Jim Corbran |
08-17-2009 |
This Bailout's a Bomb -- There's No Worse Industry Than Autonew

What we really need is investment in local infrastructure for sunrise industries that make the things we need, thereby shifting the focus from mobility of goods to local provision and access. By contrast, auto is a sunset industry from the horse-and-buggy age.
NOW Magazine |
Wayne Roberts |
01-09-2009 |
After the Auto Bailout, Now What?new
What has to happen is an intelligent, radical plan to restructure and refocus the auto industry, and soon. You see, they are going to need more money. Lots more, and what they are doing isn't working.
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
12-23-2008 |
Blaming the Workers: UAW Not Behind the Big Three's Woesnew
Over and over again, I've heard people repeat that the trouble was that the average UAW worker costs the auto companies $73 per hour. Nice work if you can get it. Matter of fact, it made me want to pack a lunch bucket and trudge off to Dodge Main. Trouble is, when I checked, I found that this statistic is simply not true.
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
12-23-2008 |
A Bailout is Needed, but a New New Deal Would be Betternew
Why not create something like the old New Deal, which put millions to work doing everything from building post offices to writing nature guides. Ours would be more limited, however; we could call it the Michigan Infrastructure Corps. We are going to be paying out billions in unemployment insurance anyway. Why shouldn't we get something out if it?
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
12-09-2008 |
Money, Arrogance and Stupidity = Disaster for American Auto Industrynew

Chapter 11 does not mandate that the Big 3 close their doors. It mandates that they restructure and cut costs, just like the airlines did. Yet the Big 3 continue to be bullheaded and refuse to consider this option.
Pasadena Weekly |
Jennifer Hadley |
12-08-2008 |
Business & Labor
Why Reward GM? Here's Why
Lee Iacocca isn't running GM, Ford or Chrysler, and the most inept administration in history has made conditions far more daunting, but the stakes are far greater. We should take a deep breath and help the bums.
Arkansas Times |
Ernest Dumas |
11-20-2008 |
Why the Feds Must Bail Out General Motorsnew

Massive restructuring is needed, but the patient first has to be stabilized, by any means necessary. Otherwise, we will be looking at something very like the Great Depression.
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
11-20-2008 |
Should We Rescue Detroit's Sinking Ship?new

Any bailout for the Big Three must be seriously questioned and come with conditions, because we can't let these companies hold us hostage anymore.
City Pulse |
Lawrence Cosentno, Neal McNamara and Angela Vasquez-Giroux |
11-20-2008 |
Forget Lieberman -- The Dems Should Boot John Dingellnew
The octogenarian Democratic Congress member from Michigan whom the netroots should really be after; he's the guy who should be ousted from his post chair of the powerful House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
San Diego CityBeat |
Editorial |
11-19-2008 |
Will Obama Give Us the Right Kind of Stimulus?new
Let's hope that the outgoing Bush administration, the incoming Obama administration, the permanent mandarins of the think tanks, and the Congressional majorities all come together so that we get an adequate stimulus package -- so that we shall still have the choice to purchase a GM, Ford, or Chrysler product in the coming years, preferably the plug-in hybrid that Obama wants them to make.