AltWeeklies Wire
Ink-Stained Kvetches: Where Are All the Editorial Cartoonists Going?new
As newspapers cut back on staff, editorial cartoonists are losing their positions at newspapers across the nation. In Texas, only the San Antonio Express-News, the Houston Chronicle, and the Austin American-Statesman still employ staff cartoonists.
The Texas Observer |
Brad Tyer |
10-08-2008 |
More News from PBS: 'Worldfocus' Makes its Debutnew
PBS has a new new nightly show, Worldfocus, which debuted nationally Oct. 6. The half-hour news program features what anchorman Martin Savidge calls "compelling stories gleaned and gathered from all around the world, brought back to Americans in a way that really matters."
Orlando Weekly |
Marc D. Allan |
10-07-2008 |
Paperless Trail: Suing the City to Obtain 'Public' Records
When Folio Weekly began asking for financial records related to the Jacksonville Jaguars stadium renovations and 2005 Super Bowl expenditures, city officials claimed no such records existed. In fact, they ultimately turned over 25 boxes worth of information. All it took was three years, and $9,000 in attorneys fees.
Folio Weekly |
Marvin Edwards |
10-07-2008 |
Policy Issues
Canadian Elections: Media Gets Cracking for Prime Minister Harpernew
The fourth estate is mesmerized by public opinion polls, Âleaving the real issues to photo ops and sound bites.
NOW Magazine |
Enzo Di Matteo |
10-06-2008 |
Where's the Outrage Over Media Mistreatment at the RNC?new
Given the media's reputation for self-absorption, it's remarkable how little attention the press has paid to the crackdown on journalists during September’s Republican National Convention.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
10-02-2008 |
Project Censored: The Top 10 Stories the US Media Missednew

The mainstream media regularly covers terrorism, but rarely discusses how the fear of attacks is used to manipulate the public and set policy. That's the common thread of many unreported stories last year.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Amanda Witherell |
10-01-2008 |
Boston Media Legend Alan Lupo, 1938-2008new
Al Lupo, for decades Boston's gravelly voice of the people in both the daily and alternative press, died, after fighting cancer, on Monday, September 29.
Boston Phoenix |
Clif Garboden |
10-01-2008 |
Last Rites on the Rocky Mountain News's Twitteringnew

The Rocky's efforts recently suffered a blow after the paper assigned staffer Berny Morson to Twitter the Sept. 10 funeral of three-year-old Marten Kudlis, killed when Francis Hernandez, an illegal immigrant with a lengthy arrest record, crashed into a Baskin-Robbins outlet in Aurora.
Will the Chicago Tribune Endorse its First Dem for President This Year?new
I'm not at all sure the Tribune will endorse the Republican ticket. There are good reasons why it might not -- but also reasons anyone who wants to respect the Tribune should worry about.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
09-29-2008 |
Gaming Needs Good Journalismnew

That a major magazine is willing to devote any ink to gaming represents another chance to show the Wii-loving casual masses that our passion is as beautiful, complex, and vital as the new disc by Television on the Radio. But sans perspective, what we end up with is hosannah-laden stories like Vanity Fair's "review" of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
Charleston City Paper |
Aaron R. Conklin |
09-24-2008 |
Video Games
Experimental-Music Journal 'Signal to Noise' Needs a Handnew
Facing rising production costs, slow-to-pay advertisers and, well, just being a print publication in our internet-mad age -- and one targeted to a small, specific audience to boot -- editor and publisher Pete Gershon urged his contributors to in turn urge their friends, colleagues and contacts to subscribe to the decade-old magazine and order back issues.
Houston Press |
Chris Gray |
09-23-2008 |
Fact and Opinion: It's All Just Content Nownew
Internet values are seeping into print journalism, and internet values reward instant punditry, the more flamboyant the better. Simple, solid reporting is OK, but flamboyance is what attracts page hits, and page hits attract advertisers -- enough of them, in a theoretical tomorrow, to keep journalism afloat.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
09-22-2008 |
Minneapolis Mayor to Arrested Journalists: Drop Deadnew
For a city leadership that spent so much time trying to convince everyone that the convention was in Minneapolis, too, Mayor R.T. Rybak's office suddenly wants very little to do with hosting the RNC, especially those nasty reports of police brutality and journalist arrests.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Beth Walton |
09-17-2008 |
Why Political Cartoons Matter

Editorial cartoons have never been better, more relevant or more popular. But daily newspapers are phasing them out -- because editors don't understand them.
Sarah Palin Can Run on Her Record, Proudlynew
There is no evidence her family has ever stood in the way of her work -- or vice versa. If she were a man, isn't that what we'd be talking about?
Phoenix New Times |
Sarah Fenske |
09-16-2008 |