AltWeeklies Wire
The Pejorative Reportnew

It's not just the Rush Limbaughs who use language to degrade and insult. As politicians throw around emotionally packed words on the attack, some journalists wind up repeating them.
Jackson Free Press |
Valerie Wells |
04-06-2012 |
Tags: NPR, Journalism, Media, FOX, Rush Limbaugh, Obamacare, objectivity, Affordable Care Act, Sandra Fluke
The Media Sucks: Sometimes, There Aren't Two Sides to a Debatenew
Isn't it the responsibility of the news to point out that one side is clearly out of their gourds, or at the very least trafficking in misinformation? When a news reporter tells me "we let you the listener decide," isn't that reporter pretty much abdicating his or her responsibility to educate and inform?
Philadelphia Weekly |
Brendan Skwire |
09-28-2009 |
How the Facts Came to Hate Americanew

Journalism's emphasis on objectivity and balance fabricated a controversy in climate science that didn't exist. Have reporters learned anything?
Boulder Weekly |
Dylan Otto Krider |
12-04-2008 |
Fact and Opinion: It's All Just Content Nownew
Internet values are seeping into print journalism, and internet values reward instant punditry, the more flamboyant the better. Simple, solid reporting is OK, but flamboyance is what attracts page hits, and page hits attract advertisers -- enough of them, in a theoretical tomorrow, to keep journalism afloat.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
09-22-2008 |