AltWeeklies Wire
Tres Strikes for Sen. Gordon Smithnew
How an undocumented immigrant worked at Smith Frozen Foods for nearly a decade.
Willamette Week |
Beth Slovic |
09-24-2008 |
Debbie Cook Takes on Orange County's Weirdest Republican Congressmannew

With little help from her fellow Democrats, Huntington Beach Mayor Debbie Cook takes on Orange County's weirdest Republican congressman, Dana Rohrabacher, a fight primarily motivated by the "Surfing Congressman's" ignorance of environmental issues.
Gustav's Wake Leaves Political Mess in Louisiananew

Hurricane Gustav forced the state to postpone primaries for Congressional seats, including that of embattled incumbent William Jefferson. Scheduling the primary the same day as open primaries for state and local offices is sure to increase voter turnout, which could have a real effect on Jefferson's chances for a runoff.
Gambit |
Clancy DuBos |
09-08-2008 |
Four Congressional Races Will Test the Democratic Resurgence in Texasnew
In a year where Republican is a four letter word, we explain the vulnerabilities of candidates in four key congressional districts in Texas -- and how the impending elections will provide a litmus test for the strength of Democratic resurgence.
The Texas Observer |
Staff |
08-27-2008 |
A Fake Campaign Turns a Bartender into a Real Candidate for D.C.'s Shadow Senate Seatnew
By using an obvious fraud -- the shadowy candidate -- as the mouthpiece for a sincere message -- the disenfranchisement of D.C. voters -- Damien Ober's videos poke fun at the duplicity of real politics. But the joke may have had the best of its makers.
Washington City Paper |
Angela Valdez |
08-21-2008 |
Pelosi is Raising Big Bucks but Keeping Very Little for Her Reelection Campaignnew
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi seems to be feeling pretty confident in her reelection prospects this November, despite an independent challenge by high-profile peace mom Cindy Sheehan. But that hasn't stopped her from raising big bucks from scores of interest groups who are contributing to her campaign committee and to the political action committee she controls, known as PAC to the Future.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
G.W. Schulz |
08-21-2008 |
The Browning of the Green Partynew

Despite conflict between environmentalists and the immigrants' rights movement, congressional candidate Omar Lopez thinks the Greens could supplant the Democrats as Latinos' party of choice.
Chicago Reader |
Kari Lydersen |
08-18-2008 |
Election '08: Pop Go the Politicsnew
Half-truths, outrageous hyperbole and hilarious cock-and-bull stories bring us fully into the election season.
The Gospel According to John Cornynnew

Nearly 40 percent of Texans wouldn't know their junior senator if he fell on them. But Cornyn's dull exterior masks one of the most conservative records in the U.S. Senate.
The Texas Observer |
Dave Mann |
08-13-2008 |
In D.C., Sen. Mark Pryor Aims Towards the Center -- Only the Left Seems to Mindnew
For someone so politically impregnable he faces no major party opposition for re-election, it's surprisingly easy to find negative comments on the internet about Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor. They come largely from liberal Democrats, many critical of his votes in his first six-year term on national security, judicial appointments and a smattering of other matters.
Arkansas Times |
Paul Barton |
08-07-2008 |
Rep. Jim McDermott Seems to be Skating to 11th Termnew
Despite predictions that Washington state's new top-two primary -- which allows two candidates to progress to the general election regardless of party affiliation -- might spell trouble for McDermott, Seattle's 10-term incumbent congressman still lacks a serious challenger for his 2008 run.
Seattle Weekly |
Aimee Curl |
08-04-2008 |
Iraq War Vet to Run for Congressional Seat in Vermontnew

Thomas Hermann, an Iraq War veteran running on the Progressive Party ticket, is the only major-party candidate challenging Democratic incumbent Rep. Peter Welch. (Craig Hill will challenge Welch in the Democratic primary.)
Seven Days |
Ken Picard |
08-04-2008 |
Wisconsin Rep. Faces Little-Known Challenger This Fallnew
U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) has an opponent this fall, though you may not have heard much about him. Peter Theron, a Republican from Madison, entered the race late.
Conservative Strategist Sues Republican Congressional Hopeful in New Mexiconew
As Dan East prepares to battle against the Democratic Party's nominee, Ben Ray Lujan, and Independent Carol Miller for the seat currently occupied by US Rep. Tom Udall, he also faces a courtroom battle. Strategist Caroline George is suing him for $25,000 she says he owes her.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
07-11-2008 |
Senate Candidate from Idaho Changes Name to Pro-Life, Grows Organicnew
Pro-Life, who is running for the U.S. Senate seat soon to be vacated by Sen. Larry Craig, is consistent to a point in his consideration of life. He is a vegetarian. He calls the U.S. occupation of Iraq an unjust war and equates it to murder—as in murdering unborn children. He's not keen on birth control, and has 15 children to show for it.
Boise Weekly |
Nathaniel Hoffman |
07-10-2008 |