AltWeeklies Wire
Obama's Mortgage Plan Has Already Been Tried and Defeated in Congressnew
Obama's proposed legislation would allow judges to adjust the mortgage terms of homeowners who are in bankruptcy, so they'd have a better chance of saving their homes from foreclosure. But such legislation was considered by the Senate in April, and defeated. Both Arkansas senators voted against it. Both say there's a good chance they'd do so again, even if the bill had Obama's backing, and even though they're both Democrats and supporting Obama for president.
Arkansas Times |
Doug Smith |
09-25-2008 |
In D.C., Sen. Mark Pryor Aims Towards the Center -- Only the Left Seems to Mindnew
For someone so politically impregnable he faces no major party opposition for re-election, it's surprisingly easy to find negative comments on the internet about Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor. They come largely from liberal Democrats, many critical of his votes in his first six-year term on national security, judicial appointments and a smattering of other matters.
Arkansas Times |
Paul Barton |
08-07-2008 |