AltWeeklies Wire

Cuba Pushes Gay Rights, but Rum-Soaked Despair Lingersnew

Four decades after gays were sent to forced labor camps, and two decades after people with AIDS were forcibly hospitalized, the country recently celebrated its second international day against homophobia. But if the new political page is meant to salvage the standing of the revolution, it's not going down well among the people I meet. Cubans are more overtly cranky than on my last trip a few years back, none more so than the young gay guys on the Malecon.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Wheeler  |  06-30-2008  |  LGBT

What Will We Use Instead of Oil?new

If we're going to go on driving cars, but we can't afford to fuel them from petroleum (and we can't afford to put all those greenhouse gas emissions in the air either), then what do we do instead?
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  06-23-2008  |  Environment

U.S.-Iraq: The Treaty That Isn'tnew

Patrick Cockburn published two leaked reports about the terms of the "alliance" and the tactics that the Bush administration is using to get the Iraqi government's approval by the end of July. Nobody denied them, but hardly any mainstream outlet in the U.S. media reported them as a major story, either.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  06-16-2008  |  International

Canadian Health Care System Faces Its Flawsnew

New reports offer the most radical rethinks of Canadian health policy in 40 years, with an emphasis on "health determinants" -- social, economic and environmental factors.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  06-06-2008  |  Science

Bikes Liberate Toronto Expresswaynew

On May 30, three hundred cyclists formed a critical mass to hijack Toronto’s Gardiner Expressway.
NOW Magazine  |  David Thomson  |  06-06-2008  |  Transportation

Our Bumblebees on the Brinknew

While much has been made of the effect of colony collapse disorder on domesticated honeybees across Europe, Asia and North America, few have grasped the disappearing act of the planet's wild bees.
NOW Magazine  |  Stephen Humphrey  |  06-02-2008  |  Environment

In the Wake of Disaster, the Burmese People Are On Their Own, As Usualnew

By blocking foreign aid in the wake of the deadly cyclone, Burma's ruling generals may be fueling the uprising they're trying to quell.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  05-16-2008  |  International

Kidnapped Journalist Talks About His Ordealnew

The BBC's Alan Johnston refused to cover the Mideast conflict from comfort of a hotel, and was kept in a three-month captivity as a result.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Wheeler  |  05-02-2008  |  Media

Africa's Leaders Seduced by Robert Mugabe's Claim that Britain is Plotting White Recolonizationnew

The Zimbabwean president's anti-white railings have resonance for Africans who fought for independence.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  04-25-2008  |  International

Five New Ideas That Could Change the Worldnew

All right, so you've mastered some steps to greening your life [insert hearty applause], but so far no fairy dust has descended to save us from... well, ourselves. Crap.
NOW Magazine  |  Adria Vasil  |  04-18-2008  |  Environment

Green Buying Binge is Doing Us Innew

What started all those years ago as a valiant effort to nudge residents to get with the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) has morphed into a fervent consumer campaign that has vanquished "reduce." It's not just evidenced by my new supersized recycling bin, but also by the endless variety of ways we're encouraged to be "green" while indulging unabated our addiction to shopping.
NOW Magazine  |  Andrew Cash  |  04-18-2008  |  Environment

China's Olympic High-Wire Actnew

If you think pro-Tibet protests in San Francisco were intense, wait till they get to New Delhi and Canberra.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  04-11-2008  |  International

Iraq: Maliki's Gamblenew

The rhetoric on the Basra offensive is triumphalist, and the story-line is simple and consistent -- but the reality is less persuasive.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  04-07-2008  |  International

Ecoholic: My Life, Unpluggednew

Forget Earth Hour's 60 minutes -- how 'bout six days without power to shower, sauté or switch on the tube?
NOW Magazine  |  Adria Vasil  |  03-28-2008  |  Environment

Taking On the New Empirenew

Tibet backers at China's Consulate show protest focus has shifted from once-mighty U.S.
NOW Magazine  |  Andrew Cash  |  03-28-2008  |  International

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