AltWeeklies Wire
Get the Buzz: Why Bees are a Sweet Addition to City Lifenew
When I was a kid, my mother used to make a big jar of honey and fresh-squeezed lemon juice every winter. The thick, bittersweet concoction was our cough medicine, and we would gladly line up for a spoon of that rather than cod liver oil or castor oil — both of which were also freely passed out among us.
Metro Times |
Larry Gabriel |
03-16-2010 |
Our Bumblebees on the Brinknew

While much has been made of the effect of colony collapse disorder on domesticated honeybees across Europe, Asia and North America, few have grasped the disappearing act of the planet's wild bees.
NOW Magazine |
Stephen Humphrey |
06-02-2008 |
Honey is Good for More than Just Foodnew
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin and elsewhere are exploring uses of honey for a number of ailments, from diabetic ulcers to the effects of radiation treatments.
Isthmus |
Andrew McDonnell |
04-29-2008 |
Buzz Kill?new
Life is sweet for Vermont's pollinators, but their days may be numbered.
Seven Days |
Mike Ives |
05-04-2007 |
Amy Millan Goes Solo
Amy Millan, the elfish voice behind Stars and collaborator with Broken Social Scene, worked for three years on her debut solo album -- surprisingly, Honey From the Tombs is the furthest thing from indie rock.
Austin Chronicle |
Darcie Stevens |
10-07-2006 |