AltWeeklies Wire
LES & ANNIE CLAYPOOL: Echo Park’s Last And Truest Bohemiansnew
Little more than 50 years ago, a guy named Les Claypool lived with his lovely wife Annie at the top of Echo Park Avenue in what may be the most Bohemian section of Los Angeles. They lived in a home built on the steep hillside out of giant redwood lumber and lots of glass and sunshine. It was a lovely place to wake up in after a great night of partying.
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
04-06-2012 |
Nothing is Saakred: Introducing enigmatic Melissa Ruizesparza Rodrigueznew

Even though the annual shadow cast by SXSW has receded, it often seems like San Antonio's musicians labor in the perennial penumbra of Austin's music scene.
San Antonio Current |
Jeffrey Wright |
04-05-2012 |
Profiles & Interviews
Lost in the Trees' A Church That Fits Our Needsnew

If you've come to get your heartstrings tugged, you won't be disappointed.
Islands: A Sleep and a Forgetting (Anti-)new

Only a heartless pustule or jaundiced cynic would actively cheer for heartbreak. Still, the history of popular music teaches that albums inspired by heartbreak are often a prickly sort of brilliant.
Tucson Weekly |
Michael Petitti |
04-02-2012 |
Soul mongrelsnew

JC Brooks & the Uptown Sound try to break your heart
Colorado Springs Independent |
Chris Parker |
04-02-2012 |
Profiles & Interviews
Kansas City's Hip-hop Wants a Piece of Hot 103new

Jaz Brewer has engineered albums for some of the biggest names in Kansas City rap. Some songs that Brewer has produced have made it to the city's only commercial hip-hop station. The vast majority, however, have not, and it's not because they aren't up-to-par productionwise.
The Intimate Confessions of Tegan and Saranew
The Quin sisters charm, mope and brood their way through the album, calculating each emotional ebb and flow to manipulate their romantic interests.
Shepherd Express |
Evan Rytlewski |
05-02-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Summer Movies for Those Who are More Indie Than Indynew
So, you're one of those artsy types who can't deal with the summer popcorn movies. No worries: There's plenty of small- to mid-size movies sneaking in under the blockbuster radar.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
04-30-2008 |
Tags: indie, independent films
MC Slug Drops the Introspection on Atmosphere's Latestnew
Without the bangers or the confessionals, When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold doesn't have an immediate payoff. But give it time: There's lots to like in the duo's different yet still considered and craft-conscious work.
Washington City Paper |
Ben Westhoff |
04-24-2008 |
The Port Huron Statement's Straight-Up Indie Rocknew
It's fitting that Man of the Match opens with a brief instrumental that recalls "Auld Lang Syne." To these straying ears, the invocation is a welcome to genre: "Hello, indie rock, my old friend. It's been awhile."
'Love and Circuits' Captures America's Current Musical Undergroundnew
Cardboard Records founders Dan Friel and BJ Warshaw explain the comp in no humble terms: a representation of "the current underground scene as a whole." And it's a fair approximation, at least within the bounds of white twentysomethings' fickle tastes.
Baltimore City Paper |
Michael Byrne |
04-15-2008 |
Blitzen Trapper Keeps It Shortnew
Brevity is a strong suit for the frontman of this Portland band.
Westword |
Michael Roberts |
04-14-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
White Denim's in Fashionnew
Austin buzz band makes unlikely leap from Airstream to mainstream.
NOW Magazine |
Tim Perlich |
04-11-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Offbeat Bridesnew

A new book provides resources for indie weddings.
Eugene Weekly |
Suzi Steffen |
01-12-2007 |
Amy Millan Goes Solo
Amy Millan, the elfish voice behind Stars and collaborator with Broken Social Scene, worked for three years on her debut solo album -- surprisingly, Honey From the Tombs is the furthest thing from indie rock.
Austin Chronicle |
Darcie Stevens |
10-07-2006 |