AltWeeklies Wire
Diets That Divide Usnew

Once upon a time, people didn’t really think too much about what they ate, as long as there was food on the table. Things are different today.
Ventura County Reporter |
George Warner |
08-24-2012 |
Tags: vegan, vegetarian
Merry Meatlessnew

Four writers try the holiday roast alternatives.
Seven Days |
Alice Levitt, Diane Sullivan, Lauren Ober and Steve Hadeka |
12-17-2010 |
Diet for Climate Change: Eating in the Spirit of Copenhagennew

You may not be able to get to Denmark for the climate talks, but you do have a chance to change a few food habits: It starts with avoiding red meat, processed cereals and tin cans and shopping local.
NOW Magazine |
Wayne Roberts |
12-11-2009 |
Vegan Tuesday: Going Animal-Product-Free, One Day at a Timenew

When I decided earlier this year to attempt to become a vegan, I started out with realistic goals. Rather than set myself up for failure by overhauling my kitchen completely, I decided to designate one day a week as a meatless, dairy-free day.
Baltimore City Paper |
Steve Gdula |
11-25-2008 |
Offbeat Bridesnew

A new book provides resources for indie weddings.
Eugene Weekly |
Suzi Steffen |
01-12-2007 |
Scared Straightnew
The pop-punk band has become a beacon of clean living at the height of its success, instead of after a pathetic fall.
Houston Press |
Andrew Miller |
09-26-2005 |
Profiles & Interviews
Peace Corps Volunteers Play Delicate Role Amid Conflictsnew
Peace Corps volunteers serve not only as goodwill ambassadors but, in bellicose times, as extensions of the United States' foreign policy.
San Antonio Current |
Lisa Sorg |
01-05-2005 |