AltWeeklies Wire

The Americans Brits Love to Hatenew

There are, believe it or not, more hated Yanks overseas than George W. Bush.
Boston Phoenix  |  Steven Stark  |  07-17-2008  |  Commentary

Africa's Leaders Seduced by Robert Mugabe's Claim that Britain is Plotting White Recolonizationnew

The Zimbabwean president's anti-white railings have resonance for Africans who fought for independence.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  04-25-2008  |  International

League Leaders: Minor-League Baseballnew

The Red Sox may be the main attraction, but when it comes to minor-league baseball, New England is spoiled for choice.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  06-09-2005  |  Sports

Allegations at Guantanamo Linked to Abu Ghraib Abusesnew

Two former inmates at Guantánamo Bay have said that they were either subjected to or witnessed some of the same methods of harsh interrogation seen in pictures taken at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.
The Village Voice  |  Kareem Fahim  |  05-19-2004  |  International

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