AltWeeklies Wire
Shelter in the Stormnew

Problems have plagued Memphis Animal Services. Is there a real chance for change?
The Memphis Flyer |
Bianca Phillips |
09-13-2011 |
Animal Issues
Safety Net or Dead End?new

The politics of animal welfare in Austin.
Austin Chronicle |
Josh Rosenblatt |
02-18-2011 |
Animal Issues
Tags: Dogs, Animal Welfare
Breeding Trouble in North Texasnew
In the August heat, more than 500 dogs sweltered in un-air-conditioned kennels on a farm near the town of Mabank in Kaufman County. They panted in wire cages stacked atop one another, fleas swarming, many of the dogs sick, most of them filthy. Near the gate across the gravel drive, part of a dog's skeleton lay like an omen.
Fort Worth Weekly |
Sarah Perry |
02-03-2010 |
Animal Issues
Unleashed: A Brutal Attack has Revived a Battle Over Canine Controlnew

In November, two police officers found 74-year-old Marion Cope sitting on the ground in Huntington Park, clutching her bleeding right leg. The officers had responded to a call about a dog attack at the small patch of public land, which sits in the shadows of three luxury hotels atop exclusive Nob Hill.
SF Weekly |
Peter Jamison |
01-20-2010 |
Animal Issues
'Milk Teeth' Couldn't Be More Different Than 'Marley and Me'new
By title alone, Milk Teeth: A Memoir of a Woman and Her Dog would seem to fall into the same cutesy genre as John Grogan's bestselling 2005 memoir. Though it does feature a deviantly behaved Lab and a plethora of lessons on life and love, Robbie Pfeufer Kahn's meditative, soul-searching book couldn’t be more different.
Seven Days |
Amy Lilly |
06-19-2009 |
Baby is the Most Famous Three-Legged, Barkless Dog in the Worldnew
She's also the only one to tour the country in a bus with her likeness emblazoned on the side, and have her picture taken with, among others, Barack Obama, Bill Maher, Amy Sedaris, Steven Tyler, Jane Fonda, and Eric Idle.
Boston Phoenix |
Jim Sullivan |
10-02-2008 |
Animal Issues
All Pets Go To Heavennew

A pet crematorium gives humans' best friends the goodbyes they deserve.
Portland Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
07-17-2008 |
David Wroblewski Rewrites 'Hamlet' but with Puppiesnew
His debut novel, The Story of Edgar Sawtelle , tracks a young dog trainer as he tries to get up the nerve to murder his murderous uncle.
Willamette Week |
John Minervini |
07-09-2008 |
Have Money Pressures Forced San Francisco's SPCA to Lower the Bar for Euthanasia?new
Many think that the SF/SPCA has fundamentally changed its "no-kill" principle, which had made San Francisco the safest city for cats and dogs in the country and served as a model for hundreds of shelters.
SF Weekly |
John Geluardi |
06-11-2008 |
Animal Issues
Rescue Groups Are the Answer to the Pet Industry's Dark Underbellynew
The Shih Tzu and Furbaby Rescue fosters and finds homes for abandoned small dogs, who often come out of puppy mills.
Charleston City Paper |
Stratton Lawrence |
04-23-2008 |
Animal Issues
Hog Wildnew
Feral pigs are ugly, destructive and mean. Some people in Texas just love to trap, stab or shoot them. Or put them in rodeos. With dogs.
Houston Press |
Todd Spivak |
04-21-2008 |
Animal Issues
Would a Proposed State Law Protect Philly's Dogs, or Just Put Breeders on a Short Leash?new
Proponents say that amended dog laws will finally protect the pups in Pennsylvania's infamous puppy mills and help law enforcement catch abusers. But to owners worried about reconfiguring or rebuilding kennels, regulating temperature or paying extra vet bills for things they've always done themselves, the proposals seem draconian and punitive.
Philadelphia City Paper |
J.F. Pirro |
04-15-2008 |
Animal Issues
The Dog Dirt Dilemmanew
It seems like an inalienable right in the West: whatever you do, wherever you go, your dog may come along. So what do you do when all those dogs make a mess?
Boise Weekly |
Deanna Darr |
04-03-2008 |
Tags: dogs, recreation
Dog-Gone Crazynew
Meet Charlotte's nutty pet people.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte) |
Jared Neumark |
05-03-2006 |
Tags: dogs
Send in the Clonesnew
Upset that the Koreans are kicking Americans' ass in pet cloning, a writer calls the Bay Area's Genetic Savings and Clone to see about duplicating a cat.