AltWeeklies Wire

A Reporter Finds Getting to Cuba Easier Than Getting Outnew

Officials on the U.S. side were polite but firm when my family returned to Vermont from a two-week visit to Cuba. They ripped apart a red Che Guevara T-shirt Iā€™d bought for my daughter. And they sliced up the two necklaces ā€” total value $2 ā€” that Liam had bought on a beach.
Seven Days  |  Kevin J. Kelley  |  01-29-2010  |  International

The Cuban Revolution at 50new

I have learned one thing from my various visits to Cuba over the years, and that is not to predict the demise of the regime. Nevertheless, change may be lurking around the corner at last, for Barack Obama represents the greatest danger that the regime has faced since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of its subsidies seventeen years ago.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  01-09-2009  |  International

Cuba Pushes Gay Rights, but Rum-Soaked Despair Lingersnew

Four decades after gays were sent to forced labor camps, and two decades after people with AIDS were forcibly hospitalized, the country recently celebrated its second international day against homophobia. But if the new political page is meant to salvage the standing of the revolution, it's not going down well among the people I meet. Cubans are more overtly cranky than on my last trip a few years back, none more so than the young gay guys on the Malecon.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Wheeler  |  06-30-2008  |  LGBT

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