AltWeeklies Wire

When Should Cops Call for Help?new

IN A CASE WITH striking similarities to the death of James Chasse Jr. in 2006, a man arrested by Portland police—after an intense chase early Sunday, July 10—fell gravely ill in custody, after complaining he was short of breath, and later died at a hospital.
The Portland Mercury  |  Denis C. Theriault  |  07-14-2011  |  Crime & Justice

Sex-Worker Advocates Strive For Safety and Human Rightsnew

Marsha Powell, an inmate at Perryville prison, spent the last hours of her life not in an indoor cell, but in an outdoor wire cage. Powell waited four hours in the 107-degree heat to be transferred between wards. She collapsed from heat exposure and died the next day. Powell was serving time for prostitution.
Tucson Weekly  |  Irene Messina  |  02-24-2010  |  Sex

Is Obama Hard Enough to Confront the Evil of Sheriff Joe Arpaio?new

Obama's federal investigators are here in Phoenix examining the assaults against human rights perpetrated by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and County Attorney Andrew Thomas. Are they unearthing evidence or burying it?
Phoenix New Times  |  Michael Lacey  |  12-15-2009  |  Crime & Justice

New Report from Human-Rights Group Yields Another Reason to Stop Smokingnew

The Plan International report interviewed 44 Malawian teens about their experiences working full-time on tobacco farms. The kids described work that's too difficult for people their size, 12-hour days (at the least) with few breaks and average pay of 18 cents a day. They also reported being hit, tormented and raped by supervisors.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Editorial  |  08-26-2009  |  Science

The Fuzziness of Human Rightsnew

On the anniversary of its legal birth, the concept is losing its interpretive luster.
East Bay Express  |  Jay Youngdahl  |  03-04-2009  |  Commentary

Prop. 8's Passage Tempers the Euphoria Over Obama's Victorynew

Proposition 8 has passed and with it, the hope that we can just go about our lives with the most fundamental right of all: to be left alone to enjoy our own lives as we see fit.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Ellen Snortland  |  11-17-2008  |  LGBT

Obama Wusses Out on Gitmo

He promised to shut down Gitmo. But now President-Elect Obama wants to ratify Bush's torture trials.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-12-2008  |  Crime & Justice

A Perfect Populist Storm Brews Around Oil Giant Chevronnew

The company faces not only angry voters, but a landmark human rights and corporate responsibility trial, in which Chevron stands accused of complicity with Nigeria's authoritarian government in the torture, murder, and abuse of those protesting Chevron's exploitation of the Niger Delta.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones  |  11-06-2008  |  Business & Labor

President Obama: Shut Down This Camp!

Both Obama and McCain have promised to shut down Gitmo. But neither will commit to a timeline. Now, before the election, both men should pledge to shut down America's Devil's Island on January 20, 2009.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  10-22-2008  |  War

Gary Bass Makes a Convincing Case for Forceful Humanitarianismnew

Unlike most books interested in promoting human rights by force of arms, Bass focuses on the actions of Western nations and not the philosophies of phony intellectuals from beltway think tanks.
Charleston City Paper  |  Dylan Hales  |  09-24-2008  |  Nonfiction

Detainees Refute ICE's Denials of Abusenew

A recent report, based on interviews with 41 detainees over a period of eight months in 2007 and 2008, alleges various "human rights violations" at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Wash., including inadequate medical care, lack of due process, and physical abuse.
Seattle Weekly  |  Nina Shapiro  |  08-18-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Obama and McCain: Torture Enablers

Both presidential candidates say they'll stop torture and close Gitmo. Scratch the surface, though, and their commitment to human rights is less than skin deep.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  08-06-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Pa. Gov. Ed Rendell is Urging a Stronger Effort to Enforce Anti-Sweatshop Policiesnew

Pennsylvania is the first state to pledge its support for a proposed anti-sweatshop consortium, made up of states, counties and municipalities from across the country. "Rendell has taken the leadership of states nationally," says Kenneth Miller, who has long been active in local anti-sweatshop campaigns.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Adam Fleming  |  07-28-2008  |  Business & Labor

Inside Radical Living: A Communal Christian House in Bed-Stuynew

The story of Radical Living, a group of twenty- and thritysomething born-again Christians, begins with the Storbakkens. One day in the fall of 2006 Jason Storbakken was headed uptown toward his job at High Times, when a subway preacher caught his ear.
New York Press  |  Joseph Huff-Hannon  |  07-17-2008  |  Religion

Bush Had No Choice on Torture Bannew

No matter what the president said, too much evidence had piled up that the United States was, in fact, engaging in torture,
The Village Voice  |  Nat Hentoff  |  12-16-2005  |  Politics

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