AltWeeklies Wire
How Many Cops are Enough?new

Bottom line on Summer Safety Initiative: budget cuts mean more dead bodies
NOW Magazine |
09-25-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Police, public safety
Two Minute Criminalnew

Officer Mark Bralley was the fiend who had become the Two Minute Criminal for exercising his free-speech rights to criticize the committee and talk longer than two minutes when addressing them in the City Council chambers.
Weekly Alibi |
Dennis Domrzalski |
09-24-2012 |
Tags: free speech, police
DOJ: Alamance County sheriff's office racially profiled Latinosnew
U.S. Department of Justice officials report that Alamance County Sheriff's Office leaders "explicitly" order deputies to target Latinos and "foster a culture of bias by using anti-Latino epithets."
INDY Week |
Billy Ball |
09-19-2012 |
Crime & Justice
APD's Sleep Disordernew

Detective Amy Lynch was a highly praised veteran officer – until she told her bosses she'd been diagnosed with narcolepsy.
Austin Chronicle |
Jordan Smith |
08-24-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: police, narcolepsy
NUVO Reporter's Rights Denied at Protestnew

Kelly Lynch thought she was on the brink of a big career break, instead she was singled out and removed from her reporting assignment.
Kelly Lynch |
07-20-2012 |
Civil Liberties
No ceiling?new

Sheriff Maketa appoints Paula Presley as his No. 2, a move that could position her to become El Paso County's first female sheriff.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Pam Zubeck |
04-05-2012 |
Crime & Justice

Shaquille O'Neal wages war against a Miami computer geek.
Miami New Times |
Gus Garcia-Roberts |
09-20-2011 |
Questioning the Questionersnew

Feds Investigate Portland Police—But Miss Crucial Input
The Portland Mercury |
Sarah Mirk |
08-15-2011 |
Crime & Justice
When Should Cops Call for Help?new

IN A CASE WITH striking similarities to the death of James Chasse Jr. in 2006, a man arrested by Portland police—after an intense chase early Sunday, July 10—fell gravely ill in custody, after complaining he was short of breath, and later died at a hospital.
The Portland Mercury |
Denis C. Theriault |
07-14-2011 |
Crime & Justice
Excessive Forcenew

Rumors abound about wild cops in Lorain. But one voice of opposition grew too loud.
Cleveland Scene |
Kyle Swenson |
03-02-2011 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Police
When it Comes to Risky Business, Driving Has Nothing on Parking in Pasadenanew

Where does it all end? No one knows. But we do know where misery begins for people victimized by money-hungry state and local officials imposing bankbook-busting fines for such “crimes” as improper parking, rolling through stop signs and running red lights.
Pasadena Weekly |
Kevin Uhrich |
03-15-2010 |
Changing the Cop Culture that Led to the Death of Aaron Campbellnew
Portlanders remain outraged over Aaron Campbell's death. A day after the police chief's radio appearance, a group of 50 people carpooled to Salem to meet with legislators. Reverend Renee Ward wants prevent the further "murder" of young men like Campbell, she says.
The Portland Mercury |
Matt Davis |
03-04-2010 |
Crime & Justice
In Philly, the Cops Will Arrest You for Taking Pictures of Them Arresting Peoplenew
The photographer's only crime, as best can be ferreted from police reports, is that he was taking pictures of South Street cops arresting revelers outside of the Theater of the Living Arts the night of Nov. 19, 2009, and the cops didn't like it.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Andrew Thompson |
02-23-2010 |
Civil Liberties
Don Cameron Trains Cops in How to Use Force, Then Defends Themnew

Long ago, Don Cameron set upon a path that would make him a Rosetta Stone for understanding what happens when someone gets his ass kicked by a cop. For most of us, that's a brutish prospect. But to hear Cameron tell it, done correctly, it's justified.
SF Weekly |
Matt Smith |
02-17-2010 |
Crime & Justice
License to Lie: Criminals Lie, but So Do Police Officersnew

Police officers don’t have to tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth — not while they’re trying to arrest you, investigate you or even while they’re interviewing you. There are times they do have to tell the truth, and there are times when lying becomes entrapment, and that’s not legal.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
01-21-2010 |
Crime & Justice