AltWeeklies Wire
The Marriage Decision, For Better and For Worsenew
In the end, the ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals was very narrow. If you read the entire decision, it's not a sweeping affirmation of the legal rights of Americans to marry the person of their choice.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tim Redmond |
02-07-2012 |
Calif. Prop. 8 Is Unconstitutional, Appeals Court Saysnew
A federal appeals court ruled this morning that California's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.
Tags: Same-Sex Marriage, Proposition 8
Nine Arguments Against 8new
A philosopher and a social justice activist take the fight to opponents of same-sex marriage.
North Coast Journal |
Ryan Burns |
08-16-2010 |
Tags: Proposition 8
2500 Protest Prop 8 Decision in Long Beachnew
Only 2,500 turned out for the Meet in the Middle Rally when the California Supreme Court upheld proposition 8, but the affirmation of the 18,000 gay marriages that occurred during the 5-month window that gay couple could legally wed remains a beacon of hope.
Random Lengths News |
Zamna Avila |
06-06-2009 |
Civil Liberties
Marriage Equality Advocates React, then Move into Campaign Modenew
Expressing anger and frustration with the California Supreme Court's decision to uphold Proposition 8, same-sex couples and advocates for marriage equality nonetheless vowed to push ahead with a new fight to overturn it.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Rebecca Bowe |
06-03-2009 |
Policy Issues
New Gay-Marriage War Coming to Californianew
Whether or not the California State Supreme Court upholds Proposition 8, one thing is certain: The battle to legalize or ban gay marriage in California will not end with the justices’ ruling due before June 3.
L.A. Weekly |
Patrick Range McDonald |
03-13-2009 |
Civil Liberties
Prop. 8's Passage Tempers the Euphoria Over Obama's Victorynew
Proposition 8 has passed and with it, the hope that we can just go about our lives with the most fundamental right of all: to be left alone to enjoy our own lives as we see fit.
Pasadena Weekly |
Ellen Snortland |
11-17-2008 |