AltWeeklies Wire
Kerry's a Wuss, Dubya's a Doof; Neither Qualifies to Be Presidentnew
Here stands the morbidly irresolute John Kerry. And over there is George W. Bush in all his bantam banality. In the corner wetting himself is the ascetic conspiratard, Ralph Nader. These are not the writer's countrymen.
Phoenix New Times |
Michael Lacey |
10-13-2004 |
Underground Groupie Bob Judd Has Designs on a Freakier Phoenixnew
Underground filmmaker Bob Judd is the Webmaster for, a site featuring the 1960s/'70s drag queen commune whose most famous performer was the late Divine. Judd has been trying to bring some unusual performers to Phoenix.
Phoenix New Times |
Amy Silverman |
10-05-2004 |
Professor of Punk Pens a Piece of Historynew
The punk musician's debut memoir is about his childhood misadventures. They take place in the wealthy, WASP-y town of Greenwich, Conn., where he never fit in.
Phoenix New Times |
Michele Laudig |
09-28-2004 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Judge's Decree Leaves Long Lines at Courthousesnew
Judge Colin Campbell's recent decision to eliminate security-bypass badges for private attorneys and other courthouse regulars amounts to a "bitch slap" in the eyes of at least one lawyer.
Phoenix New Times |
Paul Rubin |
09-21-2004 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Snake-Oil Salesman Sprays His Way to Successnew
After the FDA complained, one of Joe Deihl's companies stopped marketing the KI-Spray it claimed would protect consumers' health in case of nuclear disaster. But he still peddles vitamin sprays of disputed value, in spite of the nearly 70 lawsuits that have been filed against him and his companies.
Phoenix New Times |
Robert Nelson |
09-21-2004 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
Now That Colangelo's Been Dumped, Real Players Take Overnew
Jerry Colangelo deserves high marks for helping land Phoenix a professional basketball team way back in 1968, but while he may know the game of basketball, that doesn't mean he understands the art of business.
Phoenix New Times |
John Dougherty |
09-13-2004 |
Blues Clues: Gettin' Down-and-Dirty With the Black Keysnew

The blues-rock duo recorded their third release in a studio inside a toxic old rubber factory in an Akron, Ohio, slum. They nearly managed to sneak into a nearby Lockheed Martin plant that builds battle blimps to take photos for their new album.
Phoenix New Times |
Michele Laudig |
09-13-2004 |
Wet Kisses: Surf Yarn Shows Social Changesnew
Not since Bruce Brown's The Endless Summer, released in 1966, has surfing been shown in such a worshipful light.
Phoenix New Times |
Bill Gallo |
09-13-2004 |
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio Vulnerable in Primarynew
Once considered politically untouchable, the controversial sheriff is holding on for dear life as hard-charging retired Mesa police commander Dan Saban closes in. Joe Arpaio slipped in the polls after his SWAT team incinerated a puppy and laughed about it.
Phoenix New Times |
John Dougherty |
09-07-2004 |
Dangerous Mind: County Attorney Candidate Promotes Harsh Viewsnew
Maricopa County Attorney hopeful Andy Thomas gets his core base of support from folks to whom the words illegal immigrants, welfare, right-to-choose, homosexuals, defense attorneys, activist judges, non-Christians and -- hold on tight now -- LIBERALS -- evoke conniption fits.
Phoenix New Times |
Paul Rubin |
08-30-2004 |
Finding the Cure: Confessions of a Doom Dollnew
The Cure addressed everything an alienated teen could feel: sweeping romance, longing, regret, unhinged excitement. And it didn't candy-coat life the way mainstream pop did, or pump it full of greasy testosterone like hair metal.
Phoenix New Times |
Michele Laudig |
08-23-2004 |
Profiles & Interviews
Scam Artist Joins Forces with Top Defense Attorneynew
On the surface, Robert Owens is a bit like Frank Abagnale Jr., the charming con man played by Leo DiCaprio in Catch Me If You Can. But where the Abagnale character was a nice kid forced by life's circumstances into crime through impersonation, Owens plays himself, an amoral man who would steal from his own family if it suited him.
Phoenix New Times |
Paul Rubin |
08-17-2004 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Perverting Justice: Group Catches Deviants Onlinenew
A citizens' group seduces men into lurid chat with "underage" girls -- and makes them pay.
Phoenix New Times |
Susy Buchanan |
07-19-2004 |
Italian Film Explores Growing Up In Fearnew
Conspiracy and greed confront the wonder of childhood in "I'm Not Scared."
Phoenix New Times |
Bill Gallo |
05-27-2004 |
SNL Team Shine For Teen Spleennew
Consider: a rush-job comedy (hastily lensed a few months ago), constructed around a high-concept title with built-in ka-ching and endless potential as talk-show fodder. It's actually pretty fabulous.
Phoenix New Times |
Gregory Weinkauf |
05-03-2004 |