AltWeeklies Wire

Tempe's Mayor Isn't Afraid to Step on a Few Toes as He Waltzes Into Second Termnew

In a city that's long enjoyed genial, nonpartisan politics, the recently re-elected Hugh Hallman is something different: Both crusader and gadfly, he doesn't see the point in making nice when something isn't nice. Nor does he care whether he comes off as holier than thou -- or whether his campaigns are too aggressive for the Kiwanis Club crowd.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  07-08-2008  |  Politics

Seeing Futuresnew

Drummer Zach Lind says the band's fifth album is representative of what they've done in the past but with a bit more seriousness.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  10-19-2004  |  Profiles & Interviews

Underground Groupie Bob Judd Has Designs on a Freakier Phoenixnew

Underground filmmaker Bob Judd is the Webmaster for, a site featuring the 1960s/'70s drag queen commune whose most famous performer was the late Divine. Judd has been trying to bring some unusual performers to Phoenix.
Phoenix New Times  |  Amy Silverman  |  10-05-2004  |  LGBT

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