AltWeeklies Wire
Why civil and political engagement in Iran should trump war rhetoric and sanctionsnew
When Alice went down the rabbit hole in Lewis Carroll's novel, Alice and Wonderland, she experienced all kinds of unpleasant surprises.
San Antonio Current |
Ian Harris |
03-08-2012 |
Libya: The Devils We Don't Know
Give George W. Bush credit: he respected the American people enough to lie us into war. Obama wants us sign a blank check on Libya, no questions asked.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
03-31-2011 |
How I Conned the Taliban
The Taliban can be fooled too -- as I learned during my own top secret mission deep in the deepest valleys between the highest mountains of the Hindu Kush.
The Afghan War: Too Illegit to Quit
Eight years. We've been in Afghanistan longer than any other war in American history. The party of the president who invaded Afghanistan has been repudiated at the polls. Yet we still haven't altered the flawed strategy that allowed uneducated tribesmen with outdated weapons to defeat us year after year.
Are Pakistan's Nukes Safe from Terrorists?new
Outside observers are afraid Pakistan's super-violent, fundamentalist Taliban fighters might be able to get their hands on one of Pakistan's nuclear weapons. Is it possible?
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
05-13-2009 |
Has Pakistan Collapsed into Civil War?new
Someone page Pakistan's Ken Burns equivalent, because we're witnessing a civil war. It's too early to tell if Pakistan's central government, and its nuclear arsenal, will fall into the hands of Taliban militants. But it's a reasonable possibility.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
04-29-2009 |
What Is the Swat Valley?new
The Swat Valley is a magical place in northern Pakistan where every child is born with the innate ability to batter down doors, rescue hostages and safely apprehend suspected drug kingpins. Additionally, the area's notoriously boy-crazy, clique-y teenage girls inspired the hugely popular Swat Valley High teen fiction series.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
02-25-2009 |
Interview With a Warlord: A Deposed Legend Tells His Side of the Storynew
Ismail Khan, the recently deposed warlord-governor of Herat Province in Afghanistan, claims he was removed from office because he wouldn't have allowed drug traffickers to move opium through his district.
L.A. Weekly |
Ann Rachel Marlowe |
10-19-2004 |
Kerry's a Wuss, Dubya's a Doof; Neither Qualifies to Be Presidentnew
Here stands the morbidly irresolute John Kerry. And over there is George W. Bush in all his bantam banality. In the corner wetting himself is the ascetic conspiratard, Ralph Nader. These are not the writer's countrymen.
Phoenix New Times |
Michael Lacey |
10-13-2004 |
The Case for Impeaching George W. Bushnew
It takes a very high crime to justify removing the president, especially during time of war. George W. Bush, unfortunately, has risen to that height. His decision to circumvent the Geneva Conventions laid the groundwork for the abuses at Abu Ghraib.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Bob Norman |
10-05-2004 |