AltWeeklies Wire
The Whole World Is Watchingnew

Last week's raid in Oakland may been the best thing that could have happened to the Occupy Movement.
East Bay Express |
Ellen Cushing |
11-02-2011 |
Michael Moore on 'Capitalism,' Reagan's Destruction and Getting Booted Out of GMnew
General Motors isn't Moore's only target this time. He argues that America's economic gap is a chasm, and that the foundations of a corrupt political and corporate system are about to crumble. With a wink and nudge, he wants you to help him push it over the edge, and then pick up the pieces.
Metro Times |
Corey Hall |
10-06-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Michael Moore's Latest Doc Sticks it to 'the Rich' ... Sort Ofnew
Capitalism filled me with a sensation that's previously been foreign to the Michael Moore viewing experience: boredom. It's longer, sloppier and less interesting than his usual demagoguery.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Sean Burns |
10-05-2009 |
Michael Moore's Antics are Finally Justified in 'Capitalism'new
To summarize the sentiment fueling Michael Moore's latest agitprop, one need only quote Tony Montana: "You know what capitalism is? Gettin' fucked!"
'Capitalism': Love It or Leave It?new
If Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story teaches us one thing about the global economic crisis, it is how much the stunt-documentary gold standard has declined in value.
C-Ville Weekly |
Jonathan Kiefer |
09-30-2009 |
Michael Moore Sells the Same Old Shtick in 'Capitalism'new

I wish that more of the contradictions of late capitalism had made it into this scattershot, lazy slice of agitprop, which recycles Moore's usual slice-and-dice job on corporations, while bobbing a curtsey to the current crisis.
L.A. Weekly |
Ella Taylor |
09-24-2009 |
Michael Moore's 'Slacker Uprising' is Worth the Pricenew
Had it been released theatrically, Slacker Uprising would have certainly been a critical and commercial flop. It lacks both the power and the controversy that made his normal, topic-based films successful.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Emiliano Garcia-Sarnoff |
10-03-2008 |
Tags: Michael Moore, Slacker Uprising
Bad Medicinenew
Michael Moore's new documentary Sicko exposes America's health care woes, using an Oklahoma resident as a prime example.
Oklahoma Gazette |
Joe Wertz |
07-06-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Michael Moore, Sicko
First, Do No Harmnew
Say ahh to Michael Moore's new film.
Eugene Weekly |
Jason Blair |
07-05-2007 |
Tags: Michael Moore, Sicko
Michael Moore is Sick of the Systemnew
Sicko takes aim at America's deadly health care industry.
Pasadena Weekly |
Carl Kozlowski |
07-02-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Michael Moore, Sicko
'Sicko': Dumb Like Menew
Michael Moore undercuts his own muckraking with his regular Joe act.
Chicago Reader |
Jonathan Rosenbaum |
07-02-2007 |
Tags: Michael Moore, Sicko
On Call for Michael Moorenew
Dr. Jack Stanzler talks about being the medical consultant on Sicko.
Matthew Socey |
06-29-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Michael Moore, Sicko
The System is 'Sicko'new
Michael Moore takes aim at the U.S. health care industry.
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Herrington |
06-29-2007 |
Tags: Michael Moore, Sicko
'Sicko'-logical Warfarenew
Michael Moore brilliantly examines U.S. healthcare, but his film still suffers from a few familiar ills.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Andy Klein |
06-29-2007 |
Tags: Michael Moore, Sicko
'Sicko': A Bitter Pillnew
Michael Moore's new movie delivers a harsh diagnosis to the American health care system.
L.A. Weekly |
Ella Taylor |
06-29-2007 |
Tags: Michael Moore, Sicko