AltWeeklies Wire
South Carolina Congressman Blames Minorities for Banking Crisisnew
Although last Wednesday's debate between Rep. Henry Brown and his Democratic challenger Linda Ketner lacked the sparks of their previous encounter, the face-off was notable for how Brown blamed poor minorities for the financial crisis.
Charleston City Paper |
D.A. Smith |
10-30-2008 |
How Deregulation Led to the Current Bank Collapsenew
In 2000, Sen. Phil Gramm attached a rider to an appropriations bill to deregulate derivatives trading and other complicated financial instruments like collateral debt obligations. This was the effective nail in the coffin for the FDR-era Glass-Steagall Act, which was created to prevent a repeat of the crash of 1929.
Charleston City Paper |
D.A. Smith |
10-09-2008 |
Sick Story: The Next Generation of Doctors Sees Patients as 'Authors'new

Many would consider Matt Dettmer to be the picture of an ideal doctor, one who combines an aptitude for science with the humanistic insight of an artist. But in many ways Dettmer isn't unique -- he's part of a growing trend at medical universities in which courses in the humanities are playing a larger role in educating the next generation of doctors.
Charleston City Paper |
Morrow Dowdle |
09-03-2008 |
Here's the Drill: The Sticky Truths About Offshore Oilnew

Approving drilling now would mean that oil reaches our gas tanks in a decade, under the best estimates, and the small quantity relative to global production would do little to alleviate prices. Still, advocates argue, anything that reduces American dependence on foreign oil is worth pursuing. That pursuit becomes sticky, however, when weighed with drilling's definable risks to the environment and public health.
Charleston City Paper |
Stratton Lawrence |
08-13-2008 |
Nipple? We Don't See No Stinkin' Nipplenew
The most shocking thing about the Janet Jackson-Justin Timberlake wardrobe malfunction during the 2004 Super Bowl was its brevity. And yet somehow in that split second, an America that was still reeling from the realization that it was not invincible, that it too could be attacked, found a way to fight back. At what exactly we were never quite sure. But, boy oh boy, did it ever cause a bustle in our collective hedgerow.
Charleston City Paper |
Chris Haire |
07-23-2008 |
Gay Couples from South Carolina Hear Wedding Bells in the Golden Statenew
When California began issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples after the state's Supreme Court invalidated the prohibition against same-sex weddings, it opening up marriage licenses to folks from any state. South Carolina's gay and lesbian couples are taking advantage of the opportunity.
Charleston City Paper |
Greg Hambrick |
07-09-2008 |
Shipwright Brothers Explore the Future of Boat Buildingnew
Boat building is historically not the most environmentally sensitive of practices. In nearly 12 years of honing their craft, Jamison and Ryan Witbeck have learned both the difficulties and possibilities of being sustainable in the industry.
Charleston City Paper |
Stratton Lawrence |
06-18-2008 |
Business & Labor
South Carolina's Other Immigration Problem: Non-Native Plants and Animalsnew

Plant and animal species migrate naturally, and competition is the crux of evolutionary theory. But the globalization of shipping and travel have thrown things off balance, dropping hardy species like the emerging threat of cogongrass into situations where they're able to out-compete everything else for resources.
Charleston City Paper |
Stratton Lawrence |
06-11-2008 |
Charleston County Poised for 20 More Years of Burning Garbagenew
Two months ago, the incinerator was all but toast. Due to costs and environmental concerns, Charleston County Council voted to discontinue its use when operator Veolia-Montenay's current contract expired, instead diverting future trash to the Bees Ferry and pending Adams Run landfills. But things have changed.
Charleston City Paper |
Stratton Lawrence |
05-14-2008 |
S.C. Senate Committee Approves Ten Commandments Billnew

The state's Senate Judiciary Committee voted 18-1 in favor of a bill that would allow the Ten Commandments to be displayed in schools and courthouses insofar as such an exhibit contains other relevant historical documents. Sigh. Not again.
Charleston City Paper |
D.A. Smith |
05-14-2008 |
A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the People Who Work on Charleston's Waterwaysnew

Shrimpers, crabbers, fishermen, and a wide variety of tradesmen rely on the ocean, harbor, and rivers to raise families and to make a living for themselves. Long hours, changing weather patterns, fluctuating market prices, and rising fuel costs all take their toll.
Charleston City Paper |
Joshua Curry |
05-14-2008 |
Business & Labor
South Carolina's Racist History Should Not Be Sanitizednew
Tearing down statues of white supremacists isn't the answer. Assembling an accurate record, no matter how ugly, violent and bloody, and letting people reach their own conclusions -- that's how we'll learn rather than being spoon-fed a sanitized version of the past.
Charleston City Paper |
D.A. Smith |
04-23-2008 |
Race & Class
Rescue Groups Are the Answer to the Pet Industry's Dark Underbellynew
The Shih Tzu and Furbaby Rescue fosters and finds homes for abandoned small dogs, who often come out of puppy mills.
Charleston City Paper |
Stratton Lawrence |
04-23-2008 |
Animal Issues
The Parking Issuenew
AltWeeklies Award - Cover Design
Charleston City Paper |
Kris Adams |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
Spoletobuzz: "A Director (or Two) with a Concept," "A Preference for Pentameter," "Parsing Spoleto '06's Most Memorable Moments"new
AltWeeklies Award - Blog
Charleston City Paper |
Patrick Sharbaugh |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media