AltWeeklies Wire

Can Berkeley Tackle its Plastics Problem?new

The city is taking its first steps toward recycling mixed plastics.
East Bay Express  |  Nate Seltenrich  |  04-13-2012  |  Environment

Metal Barriers Are a Southern Arizona River's Newest Inhabitantsnew

Conservationists say the public has a right to know specifically how the San Pedro River is being impacted by border security. They also know that public pressure is the only way to make that happen.
Tucson Weekly  |  Tim Vanderpool  |  01-02-2009  |  Environment

'The Gulf Stream' Helps Us Understand Human-Centered Ecologynew

Stan Ulanski has written a multilayered and eminently insightful book about the way the natural world works. His topic is what the founder of modern oceanography, Matthew Fontaine Maury, has called "a river in the ocean" -- the Gulf Stream.
The Texas Observer  |  James E. McWilliams  |  10-08-2008  |  Nonfiction

A Look at the Ecological Impacts of the Big Sur Wildfiresnew

Big Sur enthusiasts may be horrified to see the wildfires turn postcard-quality forests into black moonscapes. But scientists remind us that fire is a critical ingredient in Big Sur's fire-adapted beauty, and the ecological challenges arise less from the flames than from human meddling. As long as the wildfires are burning, their precise ecological impacts will be shrouded in smoke -- but experts do have a sense of how the flames will affect non-human life in Big Sur.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Kera Abraham  |  07-11-2008  |  Disasters

South Carolina's Other Immigration Problem: Non-Native Plants and Animalsnew

Plant and animal species migrate naturally, and competition is the crux of evolutionary theory. But the globalization of shipping and travel have thrown things off balance, dropping hardy species like the emerging threat of cogongrass into situations where they're able to out-compete everything else for resources.
Charleston City Paper  |  Stratton Lawrence  |  06-11-2008  |  Environment

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