AltWeeklies Wire

The Manipulations and Media Machine Behind the Assault on Progressive Ideasnew

The right-wing commentators' success lies partly in their ability to harness core human emotions such as paranoia or envy, says Bryant Welch, a clinical psychologist, author, and expert on political manipulation.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Rebecca Bowe and Sarah Phelan  |  10-22-2009  |  Commentary

The Sanford Scandal: The Political Winners and Losersnew

As dust settles on the mountainous trails of metropolitan Buenos Aires, we take a look at who benefits and who loses out in the Mark Sanford scandal.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  07-22-2009  |  Commentary

The Mark Sanford Emails: Why Did 'The State' Hold its Fire?new

It was South Carolina's The State newspaper that tore open the sordid story of Gov. Mark Sanford's transcontinental tryst. But while it was a gale-force blow, one question remains: Why had the newspaper held its breath for so long?
Columbia Free Times  |  Corey Hutchins  |  07-01-2009  |  Politics

International Rights Forum Addresses Free Speechnew

The ability to articulate how a society should be ordered, in response to such world-changing struggles, rests not just on the struggles themselves, but also on the public's access to the literary, and visual forms, as vehicles for addressing and digesting such transformative events.
Random Lengths News  |  Slobodan Dimitrov  |  03-21-2009  |  Commentary

The Sin Indexnew

For whatever reason, sin and vice seem to have made frequent appearances in the news in the last month. Here’s a market analysis of some of the best bits, locally and nationally.
The Inlander  |  Joel Smith  |  02-18-2009  |  Politics

Inside Patrick Fitzgerald's Timing on the Blago Casenew

Did he compromise his own investigation to sound the alarm on Blagojevich? Or did the Chicago Tribune do it for him?
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  12-22-2008  |  Commentary

The Assassination of Barack Obamanew

The presidential election prompts an explosion of racist threats against Obama -- including one sent to this newspaper.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Joe Piasecki  |  12-08-2008  |  Politics

Can We Get Back to Something Besides Elections?new

Now that the election is over, perhaps the media will decide to tell us about the other important things going on in the world; better still, they may quit flogging the same tired stories we've seen over and over and over.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte)  |  John Grooms  |  11-07-2008  |  Commentary

Nursing the Post-Election Hangovernew

The time for obsessive-compulsive election monitoring has come to an end. Cupcakes, anyone?
Boston Phoenix  |  Sara Faith Alterman  |  11-06-2008  |  Commentary

Election '08: Backwards Bizarro Landnew

Welcome to Bizarro World, where the single-mother-raised working-class black guy is decried as an "elitist," while the lock-step well-branded military man is a "maverick."
NOW Magazine  |  Robert Priest  |  11-03-2008  |  Commentary

Maverick McCain in a Messnew

McCain's downfall wasn't the media, it was his inability to get out of Bush's shadow.
Boston Phoenix  |  Steven Stark  |  10-30-2008  |  Commentary

Billionaires for Michael Bloombergnew

It's one thing to have the New York mayor change a term limits law and run again, but does the media have to lap it up so easily?
New York Press  |  Jamaal Young  |  10-09-2008  |  Commentary

Canadian Elections: Media Gets Cracking for Prime Minister Harpernew

The fourth estate is mesmerized by public opinion polls, ­leaving the real issues to photo ops and sound bites.
NOW Magazine  |  Enzo Di Matteo  |  10-06-2008  |  Politics

Sarah Palin Can Run on Her Record, Proudlynew

There is no evidence her family has ever stood in the way of her work -- or vice versa. If she were a man, isn't that what we'd be talking about?
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  09-16-2008  |  Commentary

Sarah Palin and Personality Politicsnew

"This election is not about issues," John McCain's campaign manager recently said. If the McCain/Palin campaign gets its way, it probably won't be. Because if the American people start thinking about real issues -- the ones we've been dealing with for the last eight years -- the GOP ticket won't stand a chance.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Brian Morton  |  09-16-2008  |  Commentary

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