AltWeeklies Wire
Spies Like Usnew
The slippery slope of stealth parenting.
Creative Loafing (Tampa) |
Catherine Durkin Robinson |
09-14-2011 |
On the Gridnew
Can a massive database of personal information help the homeless without violating their privacy?
Orlando Weekly |
Jeff Gore |
01-12-2011 |
The New Battle Cry: Don't Touch My Junk!
Will "Don't touch my junk!" be the battle cry of the next American Revolution? You can walk through one of the new "backscatter" body-image X-ray scanners, suck up 2.4 microrems of radiation, or you can choose the pat-down. But think twice. By all accounts, the pat-down procedure is thorough. Extremely thorough.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
11-22-2010 |
The World is Watchingnew
Don't want the government, big industry, and some 15 year old to know your secrets? You're shit out of luck.
Portland Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
09-30-2010 |
Eight States Give Prisoners Access to Citizens' Private Infonew
If you're worried about identity theft, the last place you'd probably want your birth date, Social Security number, and name to wind up might be a prison. However, a new report by the Social Security Administration finds eight states, including Arkansas, in which prisoners have access to personal information through inmate work programs.
Arkansas Times |
David Koon |
04-15-2010 |
Policy Issues
Philly's Broken Justicenew
If you haven't been reading the Philadelphia Inquirer's series on our broken judicial system, you really should: it lays out in excruciating detail the failures of our "system".
Philadelphia Weekly |
Brendan Skwire |
12-22-2009 |
Big Brother is Watching You With RFID Microchipsnew
Consumer-privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht advises people to resist RFID. "There are certainly things you can do with RFID that might be cool, but the costs of introducing this technology into our society so vastly outweigh the benefits, the technology shouldn’t be deployed at all," she says.
The Georgia Straight |
Erin Millar |
07-27-2009 |
Civil Liberties
A Brutal and Mysterious Murder Opens a Pandora's Box of DNA Privacynew
Privacy, it seems, trumps justice. It's an issue that plagues law enforcement across the country. And it stinks.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Chuck Strouse |
03-17-2009 |
Crime & Justice
As Facebook Gives Away Personal Info, At Least One Data-Miner is Nervousnew
Jason Kaufman was "alarmed" last week when he read that Facebook had subtly altered the text of its Terms of Use. What's notable about Kaufman's alarm is that he's one of the people who actually has access to Facebook users' private data.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
02-26-2009 |
Big Pharma is After Your Confidential Medical Recordsnew
A state bill that would have eroded California's strong medical privacy laws nearly passed last month. The Mental Health Association of California, the National Association of Cancer Patients, and other important health advocacy organizations supported the measure, saying they believed it would improve compliance and save lives. But the bill's opponents, which included the California Medical Association and many consumer groups, asserted that the legislation was not really about helping patients.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Jake Whitney |
07-02-2008 |
Note to Self: Don't Download Porn at Worknew
Three local university employees are out of a job after a state investigation revealed they had illegally downloaded materials, including porn, on work computers.
Pittsburgh Couple Sues Google Over Street View Functionnew
In the suit, Christine and Aaron Boring contend that their privacy has been invaded and that the Google vehicle trespassed on their street. The suit says that "revealing this information has caused Plaintiffs mental suffering and diminished the value of their property."
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Melissa Meinzer |
04-21-2008 |
Tales from the Cryptographernew
Security guru Bruce Schneier busts the myths of post-9/11 safety measures.
Seven Days |
Ken Picard |
06-08-2006 |
Civil Liberties
Miss Manners Is Watching, Blindlynew
Your workplace e-mail scanning system knows more bad words than you do.
Pacifists for Warnew
The fractured counterrecruitment movement includes those hoping to bring the draft back.