AltWeeklies Wire
New Gmail iPhone App Gets Yankednew
Google launched its first-ever Gmail app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch on Wednesday, but was forced to yank it from Apple's App Store within minutes due to a bug.
Boise Weekly |
Eric Lach |
11-03-2011 |
Google Politely Asks Minnesota's Small Businesses to Get a Websitenew

Minnesotans have a lot of room to grow in terms of internet usage, and Google is essentially saying, "Come on in, there's plenty of room."
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Mike Mullen |
09-27-2011 |
Google that Sh!t: Search Alec -Baldwinnew

This super-advanced Googling procedure rids your results of those pertaining to that bleeding heart actor (that's what the "minus" sign is for, in boolean terms), and lands you smack down in the middle of pure evil.
Flagpole Magazine |
Matthew Pulver |
08-05-2011 |
Google Doodle Just Isn't Gay Enoughnew

Don't do it yet, but when you Google the words "gay" or "lesbian" you will see the small rainbow tucked around the end of the search bar. But curiously when you type in any variation of those words, such as gay civil rights, lesbian avengers, or even the name of a gay icon like Harvey Milk, the power rainbow mysteriously disappears.
Why Is Portland Google's Guinea Pig?new

Google has been all over Portland lately. Billboards, stickers, concerts, promos—there are more rainbow "o"s downtown than rainbow flags these days.
Willamette Week |
Ruth Brown |
06-03-2011 |
Tags: Google
How to Become Google's No. 1 Female Rappernew

Plenty of Pittsburgh-based musicians are skilled with Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and other standard online promotion tools. But Kellee Maize operates on a different level. Just Google "female rapper," and behold her spot at No. 1.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Aaron Jentzen |
01-24-2011 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Google, Kellee Maize
Google's Self-Driving Carnew

Is that what we want?
New Haven Advocate |
Greg Beato |
10-19-2010 |
Tags: Google
The World is Watchingnew

Don't want the government, big industry, and some 15 year old to know your secrets? You're shit out of luck.
Portland Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
09-30-2010 |
Communities Go Gaga for Google's Fibernew
It was just a month ago when Google announced it was looking to partner with a U.S. city to launch its newest project. But already, several hundred communities have set their sights on securing a partnership.
The Italians Were Right to 'Censor' Google
This column appears in print newspapers. If I were to write that you were (for example) a drug-addicted child pornographer, my editors would ask me if it was true and demand that I source my allegation. On the other hand, there are no gatekeepers online.
Tags: Google, censorship
The Case Against Google Booksnew

How three California librarians led the revolt against the company's plans to archive all earthly knowledge.
East Bay Express |
Chris Thompson |
10-14-2009 |
Open Web Advocates Say Social Media Needs Reformnew
A question that's increasingly being raised is: Who should control all of the data shared through social media sites -- the user or the service?
The Georgia Straight |
Jeffery Simpson |
08-18-2009 |
Lawrence Summers is Googling While America Burnsnew
This animated cartoon mocks Lawrence Summers' remark that we can tell the economy is doing better because fewer people are Googling "economic collapse."
Drilling Rhetoric: Lifting the Veil on National Energy Plansnew

It should come as no surprise that all of the significant national energy plans before us -- those of Obama, McCain, Pickens, and Google -- have efficiency at their core. Hear how four coalitions say they can make it work.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
10-22-2008 |
Sucking Chrome: Google's Latest Browser Steals the Best and Ignores the Restnew
Yeah, it looks neat and works pretty damn quick. But, so what? You might be surprised by my recommendation about what to use it for, but let's take a look anyway.
Charleston City Paper |
Joshua Curry |
09-17-2008 |