AltWeeklies Wire
Copy and Paste Jobnew
The plagiarism committed by associate editor and business columnist Stephen Dunphy at The Seattle Times wasn't deceit along the lines of what Jayson Blair did. It was journalistic dementia.
Seattle Weekly |
Philip Dawdy |
09-02-2004 |
Tags: media
The New Abolitionists: Evangelicals Crusade Against Sex Traffickingnew

Freeing "sex slaves" is now at the top of the human rights agenda, thanks to Christian evangelicals, the Bush administration, and two former Washington politicians, Linda Smith and John Miller. How did the anti-trafficking crusade evolve, and is it being overhyped?
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
08-25-2004 |
Tags: international
Media Consumers Have More Choices Than Evernew
Do you blame the media for your ignorance? Look in the mirror. While the media are wrestling with change, the public often ignores its own culpability in being ill-informed.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
08-07-2004 |
Online Magazine Slate Captures Coveted Audiencenew
Now the fourth most widely read entity on the Web, Slate focuses on subjects that excite the chattering classes.
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
08-07-2004 |
Government Seeks List of Visitors to Voting Web Sitenew
Computer-voting watchdog Bev Harris is squaring off with federal authorities over the government's request for information about visitors to her internationally renowned Web site, While Harris is determined to resist the government's investigation, a national expert on press freedom says the Renton, Wash., muckraker will almost certainly face extensive fines or jail time if she refuses to cooperate.
Seattle Weekly |
George Howland Jr. |
08-07-2004 |
Civil Liberties
Microsoft Has Sacrificed Innovation to Protect Profitsnew
A former Microsoftie says addiction to Windows revenue, mediocre products and missed opportunities could doom Seattle’s most successful company.
Seattle Weekly |
Jeff Reifman |
08-07-2004 |
Business & Labor
The Government's War on Soldiersnew

They fight for us, obediently. Yet in conflict after conflict, American soldiers are injected, gassed, medicated, experimented on, exposed to chemicals, and given faulty weapons and equipment by their own government. Then they come home to vanishing veterans benefits and Pentagon stonewalling.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
07-14-2004 |
Till Death Do They Part?new
While there’s been tons of attention on the first controversial bursts of weddings and related court maneuverings, few have looked at what makes gay and lesbian relationships work—or falter.
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
06-22-2004 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
The Secular Case Against Gay Marriagenew
Gay marriage is less about an inalienable right and more about a choice society has to make, a change with far-ranging consequences for law and culture. Our society may or may not be ready to change its mind.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
06-22-2004 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Racing Down the Slippery Slopenew
What’s after gay marriage? Polygamy? Bring it on.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
06-22-2004 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Gay Marriage and the Perils of Being ‘Normal’new
Gay unions are fleeting? The divorce rate will skyrocket? So? Gays and lesbians have every human right to be as messy, ill-advised, unprepared, offensive, and just generally stupid as everybody else—and reap the same legal benefits for said stupid behavior.
Seattle Weekly |
Steve Wiecking |
06-22-2004 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Space: A Billionaire's Starry-Eyed Enterprisenew
Maybe it’s another eccentric indulgence, but what if Paul Allen’s little space program really takes off?
Seattle Weekly |
Chuck Taylor |
06-22-2004 |
Tags: Health & Science
The Faith of Journalismnew
A heathen editor confronts his own ‘religion.’
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
06-15-2004 |
Workers' Reports Lead to Record Medicare-Fraud Settlementnew
The full story of the University of Washington Medicare-fraud case, settled for a record $35 million, has not been told, says a whistleblower. For starters, clerks were ordered to forge doctor signatures and re-create old records. Fear of firing, meanwhile, kept everyone quiet. Almost.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
06-08-2004 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: of, Washington, crime, health, fraud, care, Medicare, university, whistleblowers, crime & justice
Animal-Rights Activists Arrested under New Terrorism Lawnew

They vandalize, they’re disruptive, and they intimidate. But are animal-rights activists practicing terrorism?
Seattle Weekly |
Philip Dawdy |
06-08-2004 |
Animal Issues