AltWeeklies Wire

Our Man in Afghanistannew

When the Soviets were the enemy, brave Americans smuggled themselves into a war zone to bring much-needed help to a people decimated by war. Apparently, the struggle for peace there is unending.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Tom Walsh  |  08-07-2004  |  International

Flu Scare Yields Vaccine Makers $450 Million in Added Profitsnew

Warnings of a "killer" flu strain that led Americans to be inoculated in record numbers last fall were overblown hype, driven by experts connected with flu vaccine companies.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte)  |  Tara Servatius  |  08-07-2004  |  Science

Two Pilots Claim Bush Never Showed Up at Guard Basenew

Two members of the Air National Guard unit in Alabama that President Bush was supposed to join in 1972 say they were expecting Bush, they were waiting for him, and they're sure they never saw him.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Jackson Baker  |  08-07-2004  |  Politics

Providence High School Works to Reform Itselfnew

In 1999, when Debra DeCarlo became principal of a Providence, R.I., high school, she faced with budget cuts, confused curriculum standards, a high dropout rate, truancy and disciplinary problems. She's made a difference, not so much in test scores, but in how students feel about learning.
Providence Phoenix  |  Marion Davis  |  08-07-2004  |  Education

Bioterrorism Act Puts Fear into Medical Researchersnew

A Texas Tech infectious disease expert faced multiple federal charges after carrying vials of bubonic plague into the country. The new Bioterrorism Act makes some scientists wonder how they'll continue their research.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Rebecca Alvania  |  08-07-2004  |  Science

Attack on U.S. Is a Tuesday Morning Wake-up Callnew

Images of 9/11 include a clueless president, a cardiac patient in charge of the White House and chaos in the streets of Manhattan. The security solutions to be implemented will come at the expense of civil liberties.
Metro Silicon Valley  |  Dan Pulcrano  |  08-07-2004  |  Commentary

Sierra Club Election Snags on Immigration Debatenew

While Sierra Club leaders worry about a takeover by proponents of fringe causes, dissident board candidates argue that an influx of foreigners endangers biodiversity and food production in California.
Santa Barbara Independent  |  Matt Kettmann  |  08-07-2004  |  Environment

Publisher Says 'Passion' Resurrects Libels Against Jewsnew

Jews historically have been most vulnerable to Christians' acts of "revenge" during the Holy Week before Easter, when passion plays were staged. Mel Gibson's film, "The Passion of the Christ," follows in that tradition. Its anti-Semitic agenda could stir up hatred and divisiveness.
Boulder Weekly  |  Stewart Sallo  |  08-07-2004  |  Reviews

Let's Avoid Indiscriminate Retaliation for Attack on

Let's not commit the same monstrous crime that the terrorists committed, in negating human life, in pursuit of a lifeless ideal.
The Athens NEWS  |  Terry Smith  |  08-07-2004  |  Commentary

Election Reformer Raises Questions about Voting Softwarenew

Literary publicist Bev Harris sounded the alarm after she discovered that Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel had an ownership share in one of the big three companies that make electronic voting machines. The questions she's raised about the integrity of voting software have made her a media darling.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  08-07-2004  |  Politics

Retired Analyst Discloses Motives for War in Iraqnew

Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski says she observed "a neoconservative coup, a hijacking of the Pentagon" when she worked in the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans during the year leading up to the invasion of Iraq.
L.A. Weekly  |  Marc Cooper  |  08-07-2004  |  International

Memo Suggests Link between Donations and Lawsnew

A fundraiser's notes leave clues about possible connections between campaign contributions and laws passed by the Texas Legislature.
The Texas Observer  |  Jake Bernstein and Dave Mann  |  08-07-2004  |  Politics

FBI Invites Reporters to Leave Their Thumbprintsnew

A reporter visiting the FBI's Sacramento headquarters on FBI Media Day beats the polygraph test, leaves his thumbprint and footprint for who knows what purposes, and is assured by an FBI official that the Patriot Act has "minimal effect" on what the agency does.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Harmon Leon  |  08-07-2004  |  Crime & Justice

Secrecy Prevails in Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandalnew

Deferring to Cardinal Roger Mahony's wish for secrecy, the Judicial Council of California and a number of local judges have ordered hundreds of claims of sex abuse into private negotiations, sealed off critical rulings about whether church documents should be confidential and slapped gag orders on victims and their attorneys.
L.A. Weekly  |  Jeffrey Anderson  |  08-07-2004  |  Sex

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