AltWeeklies Wire

Experts Ponder the Future of Small-Town Daily Papersnew

It's not breaking news, but daily rags are taking a beating. If the information age isn't kind to "offline" products of the fourth estate in urban areas, what's happening with newsprint in other markets? With subscriptions and profit margins dwindling, what will be tomorrow's news for smaller-market dailies?
Oklahoma Gazette  |  Rob Collins  |  07-30-2008  |  Media

Fowl-Offal Plant Emits an Awful, Foul Odornew

Neighbors are complaining of the stench from a first-of-its-kind facility designed to convert turkey offal into oils, gas and minerals for use as fuel and fertilizer.
The Pitch  |  David Martin  |  11-30-2005  |  Environment

Fifty Years After His Disappearance, Poet Lives Onnew

Renewed attention to Weldon Kees is a peculiar literary revival tale, in which one enthusiast after another seems to discover his own life story in Kees, then proselytizes on behalf of the forgotten poet.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  08-02-2005  |  Books

Indie Kid Talks About the Campaign, Religion and Musicnew

Conor Oberst, the star of Bright Eyes, says he wants to write songs about whatever inspires him -- including politics. His band is releasing two new CDs.
Montreal Mirror  |  Lorraine Carpenter  |  01-17-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Election Reformer Raises Questions about Voting Softwarenew

Literary publicist Bev Harris sounded the alarm after she discovered that Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel had an ownership share in one of the big three companies that make electronic voting machines. The questions she's raised about the integrity of voting software have made her a media darling.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  08-07-2004  |  Politics

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