AltWeeklies Wire

What's Driving Oakland's Robbery Epidemic?new

Answer: Smartphones. And law enforcement experts say cellphone companies could make our streets a lot safer if they would install kill switches that make their phones inoperable when stolen.
East Bay Express  |  Elly Schmidt-Hopper  |  10-29-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Agonizing Over Apple: Interview with Mike Daiseynew

Mike Daisey on truth, theater and the scandal surrounding his show.
Seven Days  |  Tyler Machado  |  03-28-2012  |  Theater

Apple's Dirty Moneynew

The iPhone and iPad maker pockets billions in profits while exploiting workers. And like the rest of the One Percent, it won't take responsibility for its actions.
East Bay Express  |  Jay Youngdahl  |  03-08-2012  |  Business & Labor

How Steve Jobs even changed Mexicans with Gunsnew

As is the case whenever someone dies, all Steve Jobs’ personal shortcomings were forgotten on October 5. The day that Apple’s co-founder and top brain succumbed to cancer at age 56 all most of us could remember was how Jobs revolutionized every single arena he entered.
San Antonio Current  |  Enrique Lopetegui  |  12-30-2011  |  Tech

Indiana Officials Dabble in iPad trendnew

Many state and local governments are reviewing the iPad to possibly improve communication, increase speed in lawmaking decisions and cut costs with paper.
NUVO  |  Franklin College Pulliam School of Journalism  |  10-24-2011  |  Tech

Steve Jobs Dies at 56new

Apple co-founder battled pancreatic cancer.
Palo Alto Weekly  |  Chris Kenrick  |  10-06-2011  |  Tech

Should Apple Ban Racist iPhone App Mariachi Hero?new

Just a few days ago Apple banned a set of apps based on their sexually suggestive material. Why would they choose not to, likewise, prohibit applications with racist overtones such as Mariachi Hero?
San Antonio Current  |  DeAnne Cuellar  |  03-04-2011  |  Race & Class

Apple's New iPad is Poised to Change the World of Publishing — Possiblynew

I can't tell you definitively whether or not the device will, in fact, change the future of publishing, or save newspapers and magazines, or, on the flip side, decimate bookstores and libraries Heck if I know. No one knows. Yet.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Jill Thomas  |  03-25-2010  |  Tech

Worm in the Apple: Rebel Florida Company Takes on the Beloved Computer Giantnew

Psystar legally buys Apple's OS X software and then installs it in boxy black desktop towers that sell for as little as $599 -- about half the price of comparable Macs. But Apple hasn't taken the affront lightly.
Miami New Times  |  Tim Elfrink  |  11-16-2009  |  Tech

Tablets Could Benefit from a Tweak by Applenew

For tablet fans, who once thought convertible laptops, which have screens that can be flipped around so they look like a tablet, would be the next big thing in personal computers, the possibility that Apple was entering the market was seen as a sign that the waning technology could be revived.
The Georgia Straight  |  Petti Fong  |  10-05-2009  |  Tech

Mr. Mac Mannew

One of the Mac's original designers reflects on creativity at Apple in advance of the iPhone launch.
Seven Days  |  Cathy Resmer  |  06-27-2007  |  Tech

Vote Obama Because He's Just Like an Apple Computer?new

I'm weirded out by the idea that it's meaningful to compare the Democratic primary to the release of a new technological gizmo.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  03-28-2007  |  Commentary

Lighting It Upnew

Mixing irreverent humor and bong hits into an engaging talk format, Nate and Di Fulmer have found themselves on the bleeding edge of a new medium.
Charleston City Paper  |  Patrick Sharbaugh  |  04-19-2006  |  Media

Microsoft Has Sacrificed Innovation to Protect Profitsnew

A former Microsoftie says addiction to Windows revenue, mediocre products and missed opportunities could doom Seattle’s most successful company.
Seattle Weekly  |  Jeff Reifman  |  08-07-2004  |  Business & Labor

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