AltWeeklies Wire

What's Driving Oakland's Robbery Epidemic?new

Answer: Smartphones. And law enforcement experts say cellphone companies could make our streets a lot safer if they would install kill switches that make their phones inoperable when stolen.
East Bay Express  |  Elly Schmidt-Hopper  |  10-29-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Decade in Review: Top 10 Advancements that Shaped the 2000s and Beyondnew

The innovation of the decade came in 2002, when Research in Motion released the almighty BlackBerry, the world’s first real smartphone. That opened the gate for Apple’s dazzling iPhone, which is nearly ubiquitous at decade’s end, and Google’s Android, poised to take over the market.
NOW Magazine  |  Joshua Errett  |  12-11-2009  |  Tech

Curling? Bedbugs? Daniel Johnston? There's an App for Thatnew

Some weeks are just not great for new movies, and it makes us crazy. What the hell are we going to do tonight if we don't have a screen to stare at? That's where the ol' iPhone comes in. But which iPhone games should you buy?
Willamette Week  |  Casey Jarman  |  10-21-2009  |  Tech

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