AltWeeklies Wire

Apple's New iPad is Poised to Change the World of Publishing — Possiblynew

I can't tell you definitively whether or not the device will, in fact, change the future of publishing, or save newspapers and magazines, or, on the flip side, decimate bookstores and libraries Heck if I know. No one knows. Yet.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Jill Thomas  |  03-25-2010  |  Tech

Amazon's Supply Chain: When You've Got the Monopoly, You Set the Recordsnew

Tech writers working this past holiday weekend were blessed with a last-minute gift from Jeff Bezos: On Dec. 26, Amazon issued a press release proudly trumpeting the fact that on Christmas Day, for the first time ever, its online superstore sold more electronic books than regular books.
Seattle Weekly  |  Caleb Hannan  |  01-04-2010  |  Tech

Central Arkansas Library System Will Soon Roll Out E-Booksnew

Sometime around the first of October, patrons of the Central Arkansas Library System will be able to check out books, read them and return them without ever going to the library. Some readers are more excited about this innovation than others.
Arkansas Times  |  Doug Smith  |  09-11-2009  |  Books

E-Books Get Some Tractionnew

I've been slamming the e-book concept for years, but I decided to give e-books another crack, this time with a loaner copy of Sony's brand new PRS-700 touch-screen Reader under my arm. I've been using it for the past couple of weeks and am impressed by its readability.
NOW Magazine  |  Joseph Wilson  |  10-27-2008  |  Books

Fast Furious Free Downloadable Book Series Delivers Sketchy Materialnew

Jury: Welcome to the Special Power and Lil' Craze Going on in South America, the first two books released in the Magic Propaganda Mill's new series, are "written, researched, illustrated, designed and published" in less than two weeks.
San Antonio Current  |  Jeremy Martin  |  08-20-2008  |  Original Work

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