AltWeeklies Wire

The Stripper Mobile Rolled Into Miami Super Bowl Weekend, and No One Noticednew

They are dancers, not strippers, the girls tell you. Girls who are done adjusting bra straps inside the Super 8 motel and are now trotting in their high, heavy heels to a ridiculous contraption on wheels, the Stripper Mobile.
Miami New Times  |  Natalie O'Neill  |  02-22-2010  |  Sex

The Last Dirty Picture Show: The Apex Theatre's Heydey Has Come and Gonenew

In today's smut economy, the owners of the Apex Theatre may as well be wearing powdered wigs. Porn consumers have been easily getting off in the privacy of their own homes, thanks to home-video technology and cheap, or even free, porn on the internet.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Van Smith  |  02-02-2010  |  Culture

Milford, Conn. is Spending Big Bucks For the Chance to Regulate Smutnew

The stripper, in a skirt so short it only covers half her butt cheeks, turns her back to a group of marginally interested men. She drops to all fours, jiggles her butt in their faces and spanks herself. To date, Milford has spent $258,730.45 in legal fees to prevent scenes like this one
New Haven Advocate  |  Betsy Yagla  |  01-12-2010  |  Sex

Flavor of the Week: The Cabbie's Consciencenew

I hailed a taxi on 67th Street and fielded a call from Bill, whose anxious, repetitive questions made me suspect he’d entered the cokesnorting portion of the evening. When I ended the call the cab driver said I was pretty, and I thanked him. “You look young. How old you are?”
New York Press  |  Jessie Marshall  |  12-17-2009  |  Commentary

Tristan Taormino, the Feminist Pornographernew

Taormino just completed her sixth book, The Big Book of Sex Toys. She's finished editing an erotic anthology for Cleis Press called Sometimes She Lets Me. And she's working on three new movies for Vivid, the largest adult video producer on the planet.
Weekly Alibi  |  Marisa Demarco  |  11-10-2009  |  Culture

How Anna Broadway Cashed in on Being a 31-year-old Virgin and Scored a Book Dealnew

There are huge advantages to being a 31-year-old virgin, says Broadway, whose popular blog "Sexless in the City" ultimately led to a book contract with Doubleday. But there are downsides, too.
East Bay Express  |  Rachel Swan  |  10-14-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Fetish Fun: Kinky Out of the Closetnew

They might spank; they might wear black masks, be turned on by vinyl clothes or think guys in gas masks are way hot. But all of them would like you to know that it's OK to be kinky.
Eugene Weekly  |  Camilla Mortensen  |  10-08-2009  |  Culture

New Research Reveals Why Women Want Sexnew

Texas psychologists Cindy M. Meston and David M. Buss decided to ask women a simple question -- why do you have sex? -- and got some unexpected results.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gail Johnson  |  10-05-2009  |  Culture

The Resurrection of Ted Haggardnew

The former New Life pastor talks about the scandals that led him to the brink of suicide, the disconnect between his preachings and practices, and his prospects for creating a new ministry back in Colorado Springs.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Bill Forman  |  10-01-2009  |  Religion

The Bay Area's Wonderful Women of BDSM Aren't Bound by Conventionnew

In San Francisco, the old Rousseauian adage "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains," could easily be rephrased as: "Woman is born free, and everywhere she uses chains to get off."
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Juliette Tang  |  09-23-2009  |  Culture

'The East, the West, and Sex': Orientalism Unleashednew

The East, the West, and Sex, which is organized both by time period and by country, examines the idea of masculine Western colonization creating an idealistic portrayal of Asian culture, particularly those aspects dealing with heterosexual eroticism.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kathleen Jercich  |  07-30-2009  |  Nonfiction

'Outrage' Explores a Caucus of Closetsnew

Our tabloid culture loves to know who's doing who and where. But is this exposure -- often made at the expense of one's privacy -- a social imperative? In the case of closeted homosexual politicians who vote against gay issues, Kirby Dick would say yes.
Boise Weekly  |  Jeremiah Wierenga  |  07-22-2009  |  Reviews

Swingers Amiss: Is Group Sex Obscene?new

When swingers swing, is it obscene? Depends on your definition of "obscenity." And of "public."
Hartford Advocate  |  Brianna Snyder  |  07-21-2009  |  Culture

My One Night As A Swingernew

Who knew that swingers are suddenly a big deal again? It's a phenomenon I thought died with the '70s -- key parties and hairy-chested men and suburban dinner parties gone terribly wrong. But apparently swinging has been rebranded for new millennium -- it's called "The Lifestyle" now, and apparently everyone is living it.
SEE Magazine  |  Jane Smith  |  07-03-2009  |  Culture

My Brief Encounter with Portland's Swinger Communitynew

I find myself at the front door of a modest-sized home on a unseasonably warm night in late May, notebook in hand, ready to attend my first swinger party. After a knock, a cordial middle-aged couple who host about one party a month, open the front door and greet me. She is wearing a green visor with the phrase "Penis-Centric" written across the brim.
The Portland Mercury  |  Matthew Vollono  |  06-19-2009  |  Culture

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