AltWeeklies Wire
Science of Lovenew

Birds do it. Bees do it. But why do we fall in love? How do we stay in love? What do we gain from love? To explore those questions and more, WiG poured some wine, unwrapped a box of truffles, lit a candle and delved into a year’s worth of science and health journals.
Wisconsin Gazette |
Lisa Neff |
01-30-2015 |
The Snoop, or the Guy Who'll Trail You if Your Partner Suspects Cheatingnew
Chris is a private investigator with Northland Attorneys LLC. Clients frequently hire him to tail their partners, whom they suspect of cheating. We've changed his name so he can remain covert as he follows Kansas City's skulking spouses.
One Couple Questions the Legality of Straight Marriagenew
If the New York State Senate does not address, or votes down, same-sex marriage before the end of this year, Matthew D'Olimpio and Rachel Murch D'Olimpio, a Brooklyn couple, will seek to have their marriage officially annulled on the grounds that it is "discriminatory and unconstitutional."
Boston Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
12-02-2009 |
Children & Families
Most Guys at a Pickup Artists' 'Super-Conference' Are Just Trying to Fit Innew

Admitting that you need help with women is embarrassing and emasculating. In most cases, the decision to attend a LoveSystems boot camp is not motivated by libido; it's motivated by loneliness.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Rick Lax |
10-29-2009 |
My One Night As A Swingernew

Who knew that swingers are suddenly a big deal again? It's a phenomenon I thought died with the '70s -- key parties and hairy-chested men and suburban dinner parties gone terribly wrong. But apparently swinging has been rebranded for new millennium -- it's called "The Lifestyle" now, and apparently everyone is living it.
SEE Magazine |
Jane Smith |
07-03-2009 |
Rachel Greenwald Lays Out Common Reasons 'He Didn't Call You Back'new
I was prepared to dislike Rachel Greenwald's book Why He Didn't Call You Back, which outlines the results of 1,000 "exit interviews" she conducted with men who never initiated second dates. Surprisingly, I'll recommend this book to all of my clients.
C-Ville Weekly |
Marya Choby |
06-17-2009 |
Seattle's Swordsman of Semen Detection Doesn't Care for His New Competitionnew

Snooping through your partner's undies has become big business, and Bradley Holmes, the self-proclaimed father of the in-home semen-detection industry is disappointed in his offspring -- in part because they are giving him competition.
Seattle Weekly |
Vernal Coleman |
06-15-2009 |
Business & Labor
The Reason Men Want Sex and Women Want to Cuddlenew

Humans have the most highly developed brains on the planet. Yet when it comes to sexual attraction and mate seeking, we're no different from our butt-sniffing animal cousins. Our passions are ruled by the same neurochemicals.
East Bay Express |
Susan Kuchinskas |
04-15-2009 |
Men in Prison, and the Women Who Love to Date Themnew
Women find true love writing letters to prisoners, dating and sometimes marrying them, too.
New Haven Advocate |
Brianna Snyder |
02-17-2009 |
Tags: prisoners, relationships
Meet a Man Who's Offered a $1,000 Finder’s Fee for True Lovenew
Fueled by dreams of an easy payday, I scheduled lunch with Scott, which, I should disclose, is not our bachelor's real name. I don't want any of you sneaky types figuring out who he is and taking the $1,000 for yourselves.
Phoenix New Times |
Sarah Fenske |
02-17-2009 |
Body of Lies: When True Love is Really Just Good Sexnew
Is it bad to mistake good sex for love, you ask? Yes, if it leads you to try and force a relationship to work even when it's not right. But there's a way to keep your head in the game when you're in the hormone haze.
C-Ville Weekly |
Marya Choby |
12-03-2008 |
The Biz-School Widow's Lamentnew

It's hard to become a full member of the club when you're branded an academic "other."
Boston Phoenix |
Sara Faith Alterman and Kara Baskin |
10-21-2008 |
'What Rhymes With Bastard?': Best. Book. Title.

Linda Robertson's memoir recounts the crash-and-burn of her relationship with a tall, thin, slope-shouldered, coke-snorting, ecstasy-swallowing, vodka-swilling chainsmoker who loved anal sex. (She hated it.)
East Bay Express |
Anneli Rufus |
09-24-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Eco-Dating in Jacksonnew
Whether you’re looking for an alternative to the dry, dinner-and-a-movie routine, or trying to plan a Saturday staycation with your spouse of 20 years, Jackson has many options for the eco-savvy, especially if you plan ahead to minimize driving.
Jackson Free Press |
Kelly Bryan Smith |
09-18-2008 |
South Florida Stakes Claim as the Epicenter of American Bigamynew

Together, Eunice Lopez, boyfriend Rodneys Gonzalez, and her Cuban-American family have racked up 32 felony charges of bigamy over five years. With phony weddings going for up to $15,000 a pop, the clan garnered hundreds of thousands of dollars. And they're not alone.
Miami New Times |
Natalie O'Neill |
08-04-2008 |