AltWeeklies Wire

Most Guys at a Pickup Artists' 'Super-Conference' Are Just Trying to Fit Innew

Admitting that you need help with women is embarrassing and emasculating. In most cases, the decision to attend a LoveSystems boot camp is not motivated by libido; it's motivated by loneliness.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Rick Lax  |  10-29-2009  |  Culture

Cock and Awe: St. Louis Pickup Artists Rule the Roostnew

Trix, the invented name of this self-described pickup artist, is hardly what you'd consider a Casanova. Picking up a woman, he says, is not a matter of luck, but a skill he's spent years polishing.
Riverfront Times  |  Aimee Levitt  |  04-11-2008  |  Culture

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