AltWeeklies Wire
'Where I Am, You May Not Harm'new

Joan Chittister's voice fairly resonates with passion. Her broad smile belies a fierce intelligence and a barely disguised rage at injustice of any sort, especially over systemic injustices of poverty and the state of the world's women and children.
Jackson Free Press |
Ronn |
05-14-2012 |
A Woman's Powernew

Forty years after Roe v. Wade, conservatives are shoving women's backs to the wall. Again.
Jackson Free Press |
Ronni Mott |
03-07-2012 |
Columnist’s Book Offers an Overview of the Progress Made by Womennew

Gail Collins of The New York Times has written a book that I consider a must-read: When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women From 1960 to the Present. Run, do not walk, to your local bookstore and get your copy.
Pasadena Weekly |
Ellen Snortland |
02-08-2010 |
Tristan Taormino, the Feminist Pornographernew
Taormino just completed her sixth book, The Big Book of Sex Toys. She's finished editing an erotic anthology for Cleis Press called Sometimes She Lets Me. And she's working on three new movies for Vivid, the largest adult video producer on the planet.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
11-10-2009 |
How Exactly is Diablo Cody's Update of the Rape-Revenge Shocker 'Feminist'?new
In the earlier rape-revenge movies, patriarchy was an evil to be overcome. In Jennifer's Body, on the other hand, an opening voice-over tells us that "hell is a teenaged girl"—or more precisely, the friendships between teenage girls. Cody claims that's feminist, but I must confess, I don't see it.
Chicago Reader |
Noah Berlatsky |
09-28-2009 |
The Bay Area's Wonderful Women of BDSM Aren't Bound by Conventionnew

In San Francisco, the old Rousseauian adage "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains," could easily be rephrased as: "Woman is born free, and everywhere she uses chains to get off."
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Juliette Tang |
09-23-2009 |
Feminists vs. PETA: 'Sexist' Ads Draw Portland Protestnew
The loosely knit Portland Feminist Action League organized the "flash protest" via the internet, criticizing PETA for its "sexist and offensive" animal rights campaigns. PETA's protests have featured nude women in cages, and most recently, the organization produced a billboard that pictured a fat woman in a bikini that read, "Save the whales! Lose the blubber. Go vegetarian."
The Portland Mercury |
Sarah Mirk |
08-28-2009 |
The War on Women
The Founder of Bitch Magazine Brings Her Feminist Sensibility to a New Cookbooknew

For Lisa Jervis' first single-author book -- recently released on PM Press -- she took a surprising turn: She published a cooking manual. Or, to put it more accurately, Jervis published a "manualfesto."
East Bay Express |
Rachel Swan |
08-12-2009 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
What's a Feminist Like You Doing in a Place Like This?new

Feminist art icon Judy Chicago now lives in Belen, New Mexico, long considered by this reporter to be the worst place on earth.
Weekly Alibi |
Erin Adair-Hodges |
06-01-2009 |
Pole Dancing: Good for the Body, But What About a Woman's Soul?new

In the last few years, pole dancing has emerged from strip clubs to become a nationwide exercise trend. But how powerful can a woman be when she's dangling by a leg and touching her "teaser"?
Dallas Observer |
Megan Feldman |
11-10-2008 |
Obama Finds that Feminism is Really About Principles, Not Personalitiesnew
I urge you to visit a new Feminist Majority website -- -- which has a very clear delineation and comparison of the Democratic and GOP platforms viewed through a feminist perspective. It also features Obama on its home page with the caption, "This is what a feminist looks like."
Pasadena Weekly |
Ellen Snortland |
10-27-2008 |
Beyond the Palinnew
Palin -- who has absolutely no substance to her platform other than beliefs that divide and suppress women -- doesn't deserve to hold the office of vice president. She doesn't deserve to benefit from the feminist movement she denigrates.
Jackson Free Press |
Lori Gregory |
10-17-2008 |
Personally Speaking: 'Abortion and Life' Tells Whole Truthsnew

Part of the lingering stigma attached to abortion is based on anti-choice rhetoric and scare tactics. But just as insidious is the pro-choice movement's reluctance to delve into the emotional nuance that comes with terminating an unplanned pregnancy. Baumgardner's book is one step toward shifting that paradigm.
Portland Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
09-25-2008 |
Why I'm Pained by Palinnew
The gun-toting right-wing mama isn't exactly what we feminists had in mind.
NOW Magazine |
Susan G. Cole |
09-08-2008 |
It's Shoot First and Ask Questions Later for Some Big-Name Right-Wingersnew
The victims of Jim David Adkisson -- two dead, eight wounded -- were the people targeted verbally by O'Reilly, Savage and Hannity as well as the other right-wing pundits in their rants and books. Hey, if I were a right-wing nut with an itchy trigger finger, I'd head over to a UU church myself.
Pasadena Weekly |
Ellen Snortland |
08-11-2008 |