AltWeeklies Wire
Two North Texas Daily Papers Have Reached a Partial Detentenew

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Dallas Morning News have begun sharing content, but the cooperation between competing media companies in the same media market is raising red flags. Some question whether the agreement may violate federal antitrust laws.
Fort Worth Weekly |
Dan McGraw |
01-08-2009 |
2008's P.U.-litzer Prizes: America's Stinkiest Media Performancesnew
Now in their 17th year, the P.U.-litzer Prizes recognize some of the nation's stinkiest media performances. As the judges for these annual awards, we do our best to identify the most deserving recipients of this unwelcome plaudit.
Weekly Alibi |
Norman Solomon and Jeff Cohen |
01-06-2009 |
Tags: media, Year in Review
Can a New Generation of Visionaries Revive the Watchdog Press?new

As the traditional media contracts and struggles for survival, new approaches like Huffington Post,, and the Public Press are trying to reinvent journalism.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Steven T. Jones and Tim Redmond |
01-05-2009 |
The Year in Media Malfeasancenew

Thanks to the combination of a) the presidential race, and b) the ongoing immolation of the nation's newspaper industry -- there was a veritable cornucopia of media low points to enjoy in the bygone year.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
12-29-2008 |
No News is Bad News: How Reporting Cutbacks Affect Us Allnew
David Poulson -- a longtime reporter and editor who's now associate director of the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism at Michigan State University -- wants people to understand is that the cutbacks being made at papers across the country affect way more than the journalists receiving pink slips.
Metro Times |
Staff |
12-23-2008 |
Inside Patrick Fitzgerald's Timing on the Blago Casenew

Did he compromise his own investigation to sound the alarm on Blagojevich? Or did the Chicago Tribune do it for him?
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
12-22-2008 |
How Michael Wolff Bagged Rupert Murdochnew

How did a controversial media reporter get total access to the most famous newspaper man in the world? He just asked.
Boston Phoenix |
Daniel McCarthy |
12-18-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Can a Boston Start-Up Reinvent Foreign Reporting?new
In January, Philip Balboni and Charles Sennott will launch GlobalPost, a new Boston-based foreign-news-only service that will compete with the Associated Press and CNN.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
12-18-2008 |
Denver's Rocky Mountain News is Going Downnew
E.W. Scripps has put the tabloid up for sale, but if no buyer emerges by mid-January, the company says it will explore "other options."
Shutting Down Public-Access TV in

If everything unfolds as planned, Time Warner will walk away from operating 12 public-access studios in L.A, which help everyday people to create hundreds of hours of content on 11 freewheeling, neighborhood-based public channels.
L.A. Weekly |
Patrick Range McDonald |
12-12-2008 |
The Assassination of Barack Obamanew

The presidential election prompts an explosion of racist threats against Obama -- including one sent to this newspaper.
Pasadena Weekly |
Joe Piasecki |
12-08-2008 |
How the Facts Came to Hate Americanew

Journalism's emphasis on objectivity and balance fabricated a controversy in climate science that didn't exist. Have reporters learned anything?
Boulder Weekly |
Dylan Otto Krider |
12-04-2008 |
From Russia, with Vlognew
Russia, a country not exactly renowned for its press freedoms, has prosecuted bloggers in the past, but last month, the country acquired a new uncensorable voice online -- President Dmitry Medvedev's. He joins other world leaders in the blogosphere.
Boston Phoenix |
Peter Piatetsky |
11-26-2008 |
Minnesota Independent: Thanks for Helping Elect Obama, You're Firednew

Jane Kirtley, a journalism professor at the University of Minnesota, says the post-election layoffs could be akin to Macy's laying off temporary workers after Christmas. However, she says, the memo lends credibility to a more sinister interpretation.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Erin Carlyle |
11-19-2008 |
What's the Fuss Over the Fairness Doctrine Really About?new
The conviction that Obama's win and Democratic gains in Congress mean the impending resurrection of Fairness Doctrine, a defunct policy aimed at creating a balance in broadcasting -- is tormenting both the wing nuts and conservatism's grownups.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
11-13-2008 |