AltWeeklies Wire
The Joy of Receiving: A Year of Bailouts, Handouts and Hypocrisynew

For the first time since 1995, Democrats in Washington bow to no one — except the emperor of Japan. While they have not stimulated the job market, they thoroughly Christmas-goosed us conservatives.
Isthmus |
David Blaska |
12-28-2009 |
Mark Sanford's Fight for Conservatism Means Fighting the GOPnew
The state legislature that created S.C.'s current economic woes are the same leaders who are now saying Gov. Mark Sanford is the problem, as if a more cooperative gubernatorial extension of themselves would be preferable and somehow produce different, better results.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
05-27-2009 |
Tags: Mark Sanford, conservatism
Karl Rove Plays Hardball, Performs Standupnew

At a recent California State University event, Karl Rove played nice alongside Obama election wizard David Plouffe, shelling out rhetoric on building bipartisanship and painting Bush as a "uniter, not a divider."
Monterey County Weekly |
Zachary Stahl |
05-07-2009 |
Tags: Karl Rove, conservatism
Why the GOP Had to Lose The Election Before Conservatives Could Winnew
President Bush put conservatism in critical condition. A President McCain might have put it out to pasture.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
11-05-2008 |
Election '08: No We Didn't

Barack Obama's victory was notable. But nothing much has changed. Racism and its kissing cousin -- conservatism -- will remain with us. And the U.S. remains deeply divided.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
11-05-2008 |
Ralph Nader, the Conservativenew
In this presidential election year, talk radio has tried to fool listeners into believing Mitt Romney is a conservative, and John McCain now spends his time trying to fool the talk radio crowd into believing that he's at least as solid as Romney was. Irony upon irony, it's worth pointing out that when it comes to having actual conservative positions, Ralph Nader shames the whole lot.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
07-09-2008 |
Taking a Shot at the Supreme Courtnew
This past week's Supreme Court ruling, invalidating Washington, DC's handgun ban, demonstrates just how far afield "movement conservatism" has taken our country.
Boston Phoenix |
Editorial |
07-03-2008 |
Civil Liberties
Why Sean Hannity is Unpatrioticnew
It might be easy to dismiss Hannity as a mere hypocrite, but he's actually something much worse. He puts the Republican Party first and has no qualms about putting our troops in harm's way and policing the world so long as the sheriff's badge reads "GOP."
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
07-02-2008 |
Congressman Paul Ryan's 'Roadmap for America' Is a Dead Endnew

Unlike many in Congress, Ryan at least is putting the energy into laying out a plan. But fresh thinking it is not. Unfortunately, Ryan's road map is the same old far-right-wing agenda that has been promoted by conservative think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and Club for Growth.
Shepherd Express |
Louis Fortis |
06-13-2008 |
'U.S. vs. Them' Explores the Paranoid Style in U.S. Foreign Policynew
In a new book on American foreign policy, New Republic editor J. Peter Scoblic spends a couple of hundred pages reviewing the historical record of Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and the current Bush presidency before getting to the real nub of the issue, in which he is succinctly correct: Conservatism, he writes, "although it has a clear intellectual pedigree, operates on a deep psychological level as well."
Artvoice |
Staff |
06-02-2008 |
Stealth Zealotnew
Arizona's other U.S. senator makes Dubya look like a liberal.
Phoenix New Times |
Robert Nelson |
04-17-2006 |