AltWeeklies Wire

Don't Punish Reporters or Judges for Signing Recall Petitionsnew

GOP leadership has expressed outrage over judges who have signed recall petitions against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and the Wisconsin State Journal is apparently taking "internal disciplinary action" against employees who exercise their First Amendment rights. This is simply not logical, and is not in keeping with our Constitution.
Isthmus  |  Kurt Karbusicky  |  04-13-2012  |  Elections

Not in Our Downtownnew

Colorado Springs leaders will look at limiting free speech through special zones.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  J. Adrian Stanley  |  12-30-2011  |  Civil Liberties

The Right to Writenew

High school journalists have greater First Amendment rights than they might think.
Las Vegas CityLife  |  Kristy Totten  |  12-07-2011  |  Civil Liberties

An Open Letter To President Obamanew

Two years ago, you said your administration would not go after dispensaries in states where marijuana is legal for medicinal use. But last Friday, your U.S. Department of Justice attorneys reversed course in California.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Jeff von Kaenel  |  10-14-2011  |  Commentary

BART Proves Cellphone Shutdown Was a Mistakenew

The transit agency has dealt with two protests in the past week without resorting to killing cellular service.
East Bay Express  |  Robert Gammon  |  08-24-2011  |  Civil Liberties

Iraq War Protesters Get Their Day in Courtnew

Seven years after one of the biggest clashes between civilians and police in Albuquerque's history, 11 protesters are taking city officials to court over First Amendment issues.
Weekly Alibi  |  Marisa Demarco  |  02-26-2010  |  Civil Liberties

Feds Bust Twitterer, Impound Fuzzy Dolls and Buffy Videos in War on Terrornew

Elliot Madison's real crime, it seems, is being a self-proclaimed anarchist, which is no more illegal than being a self-proclaimed Democrat or Lutheran. His tweets were not more informative or subversive than MSNBC's live coverage of the G-20 protests.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  10-16-2009  |  Civil Liberties

Blogger Busted: Free Speech Goes on Trial in Central Illinoisnew

Scott Humphrey, a 57-year-old man from Springfield, Ill., faces four criminal misdemeanor charges for two specific online statements that he made on a political blog. Sources say civil suits and criminal charges will increasingly be used to stop speech on the internet.
Illinois Times  |  Amanda Robert  |  10-15-2009  |  Media

Happytown: Judge Smacks Down Orlando's Ban on Feeding People in Parksnew

On Sept. 26, Judge Gregory Presnell struck down the city's ban on feedings in public parks. He ruled that the feedings, organized by Orlando Food Not Bombs, were political speech protected by the First Amendment.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffrey C. Billman, Billy Manes and Deanna Morey  |  10-07-2008  |  Commentary

The Constitution, à la Carte

Liberals like the First Amendment. Conservatives prefer the Second. Can't we all agree on what America is about?
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  06-30-2008  |  Commentary

The 2008 Phoenix Muzzle Awardsnew

Freedom of expression may be guaranteed by the Constitution, but it's an idea we have to fight for every day. We round up the past year's most conspicuous enemies.
Boston Phoenix  |  Dan Kennedy  |  06-26-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Virginia College Newspapers Get OK'd for Booze Adsnew

U.S. District Magistrate Judge Hannah Lauck ruled that a Virginia law banning ads for alcohol in student newspapers and another that limits words in ads violate the First Amendment.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Scott Weaver  |  04-09-2008  |  Media

Red State, Meet Police Statenew

Is Homeland Security's harrassment of a federal employee for the stickers on his car a mistake, a new rule or part of a trend of the First Amendment being bullied out of existence?
Boise Weekly  |  Nicholas Collias  |  02-15-2006  |  Civil Liberties

An Unwelcome 'No'new

In a chilling testament to the state of free speech in America, Perry Patterson is being charged with criminal trespass for saying "No" at a 2004 campaign rally featuring Dick Cheney.
Eugene Weekly  |  Kera Abraham  |  02-09-2006  |  Civil Liberties

Video Games: Just Say Nonew

Alex Diaz de la Portilla has submitted a bill to the Florida Senate that would prohibit minors from buying or renting video games with violence and sexually explicit content.
Miami New Times  |  Trevor Aaronson  |  11-14-2005  |  Politics

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