AltWeeklies Wire

Groups urge U.S. Department of Homeland Security to end new prison contract with GEOnew

Over a dozen Texas civil and immigrant rights groups this week sent a letter to U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano protesting the new privately-run immigration detention center slated for construction in Karnes County, Texas.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  02-28-2011  |  Immigration

A Border Project Faces Accusations of Lobbying Pressure and Wasted Moneynew

According to some critics, the push for consolidating services at the Nogales port comes from the Fresh Produce Association of the Americas, a powerful trade group representing 125 produce dealers, brokers and distributors who import Mexican fruits and vegetables. Big money is at stake: In Nogales, produce has grown into a $2 billion industry.
Tucson Weekly  |  Tim Vanderpool  |  10-07-2009  |  Immigration

Homeland Security Wants Eminent Domain Over a Vermont Farm at the Bordernew

The federal government may invoke the doctrine of eminent domain to appropriate as much as 10.5 acres of the Rainvilles' cropland, which an impact study calls "negligible." Brian Rainville, son of farm owner Clement Rainville, says those acres are essential to the small dairy farm's livelihood.
Seven Days  |  Lauren Ober  |  10-05-2009  |  Housing & Development

Some in Congress Push DHS to Review the Border Fence's Environmental Destructionnew

Cutting a daunting swath from California to Texas, the border wall has degraded waterways, chopped up private property and wreaked environmental havoc by severing wildlife-migration routes and pummeling habitat. Now, Rep. Raul Grijalva is pushing for a fresh -- some would say first -- look at the environmental fallout from the Secure Fence Act of 2006.
Tucson Weekly  |  Tim Vanderpool  |  08-12-2009  |  Environment

Janet Napolitano Pulls a Switcheroo on the Pro-Immigrant Crowdnew

You'd have to mine Davy Jones' locker to discover the true depth of Napolitano's duplicity over the federal government's 287(g) program, the new rules for which were announced with great fanfare by the Department of Homeland Security two weeks ago.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  07-28-2009  |  Immigration

Can Janet Napolitano Stop the Border-Fence Boondoggle?new

We talk to border residents and lay bare the private contracts that have soaked up alarming amounts of government money, much of it wasted.
The Texas Observer  |  Melissa del Bosque  |  02-18-2009  |  Immigration

Arizona Leaders Dish Up a Homeland Security Wish Listnew

Many wonder whether even the politically facile Janet Napolitano can master the bureaucratic beast known as DHS.
Tucson Weekly  |  Tim Vanderpool  |  01-15-2009  |  Immigration

Metal Barriers Are a Southern Arizona River's Newest Inhabitantsnew

Conservationists say the public has a right to know specifically how the San Pedro River is being impacted by border security. They also know that public pressure is the only way to make that happen.
Tucson Weekly  |  Tim Vanderpool  |  01-02-2009  |  Environment

How Standing Up Against the Border Fence Cost One Federal Employee His Jobnew

Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge project manager Ken Merritt was asked to make a choice: support federal law, or sign off on the plan to build the border wall. He chose in favor of the refuge, and the decision ended his career.
The Texas Observer  |  Melissa del Bosque  |  07-02-2008  |  Immigration

Just Say Nonew

Montana fights the Real ID Act.
Missoula Independent  |  Jessie McQuillan  |  02-08-2007  |  Civil Liberties

The Varieties of American Experiencenew

The rights and duties of the American citizen are wobbly -- these essays reflect on what it means to be an American now.
San Antonio Current  |  Staff  |  10-11-2006  |  Immigration

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